Thursday 14 February 2013
ST VALENTINE’S Day reminds us of the innate desire we all have for love –to both give it and receive it. This longing is at the centre of our search for happiness. But how often do we reflect on what love is really about? Is it just a fleeting feeling that sooner or later lets us down, or is it something much deeper? The feast day of St Valentine – an early Christian martyr – is truly a day to remember “a love to die for”.
Who was St Valentine?
St Valentine was a priest in Rome in the third century during the rule of Emperor Claudius II. His association with young lovers is well known even in modern times. The story goes that Claudius, urgent to recruit soldiers for his armies, decreed that all weddings be suspended so as to encourage more single, unfamilied men to serve in combat. Seeing the anguish of young couples forbidden to marry, St Valentine performed secret weddings in defiance of the Emperor.
Source: Catholic Marriage and Family Council
I ask you my Valentine, Is love all we need?
ST VALENTINE’S Day reminds us of the innate desire we all have for love –to both give it and receive it. This longing is at the centre of our search for happiness. But how often do we reflect on what love is really about? Is it just a fleeting feeling that sooner or later lets us down, or is it something much deeper? The feast day of St Valentine – an early Christian martyr – is truly a day to remember “a love to die for”.
Who was St Valentine?
St Valentine was a priest in Rome in the third century during the rule of Emperor Claudius II. His association with young lovers is well known even in modern times. The story goes that Claudius, urgent to recruit soldiers for his armies, decreed that all weddings be suspended so as to encourage more single, unfamilied men to serve in combat. Seeing the anguish of young couples forbidden to marry, St Valentine performed secret weddings in defiance of the Emperor.
He was eventually arrested and imprisoned. While awaiting execution, St Valentine restored the sight of his jailer’s blind daughter. On the eve of his death, he penned her a farewell note signing it, “From your Valentine”.
On February 14, 269 AD he was beheaded. He is the Patron Saint of engaged couples and married lovers.
To find out more about St Valentine and ways to show gratitude for the loved ones in our lives go to the Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council website here.On February 14, 269 AD he was beheaded. He is the Patron Saint of engaged couples and married lovers.
Source: Catholic Marriage and Family Council