Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese,
7 Feb 2013
Good decisions, bad decisions; we've all made them! With an abundance of options at our fingertips these days, making important life decisions isn't easy. If you're asking questions like, "what career should I pursue?", "is this relationship right for me?" or "what is my vocation?" it's good to know that you're not alone, and help is available!
The Christian Decision Making Workshops with Fr Michael de Stoop and Sr Anthony Mary Diago, RSM are back again in 2013. The first free workshop for the year, held on 21 January at the Catholic Adult Education Centre was well attended with 45 participants. "It's the largest attendance we've had so far so it proves these workshops are answering a need," says Vocations Director, Fr Michael de Stoop.
One participant commented, "The workshop touched me deeply in a way that I now want to keep on educating myself and to really find God's path for my life."
The workshop focuses on St. Ignatius' rules for decision making, drawing on real life examples to help illustrate the saint's insights in practice. The workshop is informative and interactive, with small group discussions throughout the day. "I loved hearing people's personal experiences, this really helped me grasp the concepts," said another young woman who attended. Participants are also given a booklet prepared by Fr Michael, which many found to be a valuable resource to which they could refer as a guide during and after the workshop. Anthony, who was one of the young men who attended, wrote on his feedback form: "The quality of the content and the teaching was very high. Fr Michael and Sr Anthony Mary really know what they are teaching, and they are passionate about it. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to attend. When I returned home, mum wanted to know everything about it, and, as I was recalling the information, I was surprised at how much I had learnt and understood!"
Fr Michael says he is grateful for the gift of discernment in his own life and appreciates how beneficial it is to know and apply St Ignatius' rules of Christian decision making, given we live in a world of so many choices. "Raising an awareness of discernment will not only lead to having more priests and religious," says Fr Michael. "We need happy and holy marriages, families, and lay people active in ministries God has called them to. The Church needs people to give witness to the love of God in their work places and many other situations where God is calling them to follow Him."
If you missed out on the first workshop, there are another 3 dates to choose from in 2013: Wednesday 17th April (CAEC, Lidcombe); Saturday 18th May (All Saints Parish Hall, Liverpool); and Friday 27th September (CAEC Lidcombe).
For more information or to register for these free workshops, contact the Vocation Centre on 9390 5970 or
7 Feb 2013
CDM Workshop Jan 2013
The Christian Decision Making Workshops with Fr Michael de Stoop and Sr Anthony Mary Diago, RSM are back again in 2013. The first free workshop for the year, held on 21 January at the Catholic Adult Education Centre was well attended with 45 participants. "It's the largest attendance we've had so far so it proves these workshops are answering a need," says Vocations Director, Fr Michael de Stoop.
One participant commented, "The workshop touched me deeply in a way that I now want to keep on educating myself and to really find God's path for my life."
The workshop focuses on St. Ignatius' rules for decision making, drawing on real life examples to help illustrate the saint's insights in practice. The workshop is informative and interactive, with small group discussions throughout the day. "I loved hearing people's personal experiences, this really helped me grasp the concepts," said another young woman who attended. Participants are also given a booklet prepared by Fr Michael, which many found to be a valuable resource to which they could refer as a guide during and after the workshop. Anthony, who was one of the young men who attended, wrote on his feedback form: "The quality of the content and the teaching was very high. Fr Michael and Sr Anthony Mary really know what they are teaching, and they are passionate about it. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to attend. When I returned home, mum wanted to know everything about it, and, as I was recalling the information, I was surprised at how much I had learnt and understood!"
Fr Michael de Stoop
If you missed out on the first workshop, there are another 3 dates to choose from in 2013: Wednesday 17th April (CAEC, Lidcombe); Saturday 18th May (All Saints Parish Hall, Liverpool); and Friday 27th September (CAEC Lidcombe).
For more information or to register for these free workshops, contact the Vocation Centre on 9390 5970 or