Capuchin Friars Minor celebrate ordination to priesthood
Monday 11 February 2013
Words Fiona Basile
Pictures by Tristan McLindon
THE Capuchin Friars Minor of Australia celebrated the ordination to priesthood of three young men at St Patrick’s Cathedral in East Melbourne on Saturday 9 February. The cathedral was full as friends, family and fellow clergy gathered to witness the ordinations of Br Dean Mathieson OFM Cap, Br Benjamin Johnson OFM Cap and Br James Grant OFM Cap.
Archbishop of Melbourne, Most Rev. Denis J Hart DD was principal celebrant and Ordaining Prelate, with Provincial Fr Gary Devery OFM Cap concelebrating, among other capuchin, local and visiting priests.
The Sacrament of Holy Orders was conferred on the three men by the Laying on of Hands and the Prayer of Consecration. As outlined in the Mass booklet, ‘in this most ancient part of the Ordination, Archbishop Hart follows the form of the Apostles in laying his hands upon each of the candidates, calling down the Holy Spirit upon them.’
The three candidates participated in silence, ‘in a faith-filled recognition that it is the Holy Spirit who speaks and acts through the Archbishop in the Ordination of Priests.’ Following this, each of the concelebrating priests laid hands on the candidates.
The three were then presented with the stole and chasuble, ‘the vestments proper to The Order of the Presbyterate’. The stole is a symbol of the sacramental and teaching authority of those who are ordained. The candidates had received these stoles when ordained deacons in August last year. The stoles were rearranged and worn as for priests. The chasuble was then placed on the newly-ordained men, which represents ‘being clothed with the love of Christ, which binds everything together in perfect harmony Col 3:14’.
Archbishop Hart anointed the palms of the newly ordained priests with the Oil of Chrism. The words used by the Archbishop link this action to the Father’s anointing of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. The men were then presented with gifts. ‘Receive the oblation of the holy people, to be offered to God. Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and confirm your life to the mystery of the Lord’s Cross’, said Archbishop Hart.
In a moving sign of solidarity and joy, the Archbishop then gave the sign of peace to the newly ordained priests, followed by all of the concelebrating priests.
At the conclusion of the proceedings, Fr James Grant OFM Cap, speaking on behalf of Fr Benjamin Johnson and Fr Dean Mathieson OFM Cap, thanked all those gathered for attending and for their love, support and prayers. He gave particular thanks to Archbishop Hart for allowing the ordination to take place at the cathedral, and also to Capuchin provincial Fr Gary Devery OFM Cap, Fr Robert Stewart OFM Cap, and to Fr Denis Ward OFM Cap, who passed away in May 2010.
At the conclusion of Mass, a reception was held in the hall of Ss Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church in South Melbourne. The Masses of Thanksgiving were held yesterday at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Middle Park for Fr James Grant, at Ss Peter and Paul Catholic Church in South Melbourne for Fr Dean Mathieson and at St Anthony’s in Hawthorn for Fr Benjamin Johnson.
Words Fiona Basile
Pictures by Tristan McLindon
Archbishop of Melbourne, Most Rev. Denis J Hart DD was principal celebrant and Ordaining Prelate, with Provincial Fr Gary Devery OFM Cap concelebrating, among other capuchin, local and visiting priests.
The Sacrament of Holy Orders was conferred on the three men by the Laying on of Hands and the Prayer of Consecration. As outlined in the Mass booklet, ‘in this most ancient part of the Ordination, Archbishop Hart follows the form of the Apostles in laying his hands upon each of the candidates, calling down the Holy Spirit upon them.’
The three candidates participated in silence, ‘in a faith-filled recognition that it is the Holy Spirit who speaks and acts through the Archbishop in the Ordination of Priests.’ Following this, each of the concelebrating priests laid hands on the candidates.
The three were then presented with the stole and chasuble, ‘the vestments proper to The Order of the Presbyterate’. The stole is a symbol of the sacramental and teaching authority of those who are ordained. The candidates had received these stoles when ordained deacons in August last year. The stoles were rearranged and worn as for priests. The chasuble was then placed on the newly-ordained men, which represents ‘being clothed with the love of Christ, which binds everything together in perfect harmony Col 3:14’.
Archbishop Hart anointed the palms of the newly ordained priests with the Oil of Chrism. The words used by the Archbishop link this action to the Father’s anointing of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. The men were then presented with gifts. ‘Receive the oblation of the holy people, to be offered to God. Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and confirm your life to the mystery of the Lord’s Cross’, said Archbishop Hart.
At the conclusion of the proceedings, Fr James Grant OFM Cap, speaking on behalf of Fr Benjamin Johnson and Fr Dean Mathieson OFM Cap, thanked all those gathered for attending and for their love, support and prayers. He gave particular thanks to Archbishop Hart for allowing the ordination to take place at the cathedral, and also to Capuchin provincial Fr Gary Devery OFM Cap, Fr Robert Stewart OFM Cap, and to Fr Denis Ward OFM Cap, who passed away in May 2010.
At the conclusion of Mass, a reception was held in the hall of Ss Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church in South Melbourne. The Masses of Thanksgiving were held yesterday at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Middle Park for Fr James Grant, at Ss Peter and Paul Catholic Church in South Melbourne for Fr Dean Mathieson and at St Anthony’s in Hawthorn for Fr Benjamin Johnson.