Emergency services arriving at Monastery in Fussen |
Fire broke out on Sunday at 0627hrs in the Franciscan Monastery in Füssen, Bavaria in southern Germany. The 10 brothers and priests were rescued by the emergency services and flown to various hospitals in the region. One of the Fathers has life threatening injuries and a firefighter and policeman also suffered injuries.
All Masses for the Feast of the Ephiphany were cancelled in the St Stephan Church whilst firefighters fought to rescue the inhabitants of the monastery. Nine ambulances, three emergency doctors, two emergency helicopters and firefighters from Füssen, Hopfen am See, Weßensee ,Schwangau and Rieden totalling 130 fireman attended the blaze.
Father Frank Deuring, Parish Priest of Füssen visited the scene and asked parishioners to pray for the Franciscans in Füssen, especially Father Askanius, the oldest Franciscan in the German Province, who was flown by helicopter to the trauma centre in Murnau with life threatening injuries, due to smoke inhalation. He is 101 years old. Mayor Paul Jacob also visited the scene later to talk with the emergency services.
The cause of the fire is not yet known. The brothers were rescued by the firefighters through the windows by ladder. Provincial Cornelius and his deputy, Father Franz Josef travelled from Munich to Fussen immediately on the learning about the fire. Damage is estimated at more than €100,000.