Monday 10 December 2012
By Anne McIlroy, Genazzano FCJ College
IN Catholic schools we work with students, many of whom have an interest in social justice and a desire to make a difference. Every now and then we meet a student who has more energy and more passion to make a difference.
Georgie is one such student. Georgie is in Year 11 at Genazzano. Last year she was one of the students selected to go to Broome as part of the Indigenous Exchange that the College runs, which was an influential experience in her education in inequality and injustice.
“The Kimberley is a magical place but even more magical for me was the meeting with this culture that I really knew nothing about. The people I met and the conversations I had which are now part of me. That was the power of this experience,” Georgie said.
The experiences on the exchange meant that the awareness of these students working in areas of need and of inequality has been heightened.
The FCJ sisters work with the very poor in the Philippines and the Genazzano community works to support their efforts with fundraising and collecting books that can be used in their work.
Georgie had the idea to utilise the talents of current Genazzano students and make a CD to raise funds for the nuns.
When asked where the idea came from, Georgie said “while I love the sausage sizzles and the coloured clothes days we have to raise money for the nuns, I thought that this would be more than that."
The CD is also a way to create an awareness of the needs of the nuns and the lives of others.
So, with very little fuss, she got together thirteen students and they recorded some wonderful music which makes up the CD, ‘Singing for Something’.
On Tuesday 27 November, current students and past students, teachers and Sisters FCJ gathered at the Madeleine Centre for the ‘Singing for Something’ CD launch.
The profits will go to the Sisters Faithful Companion of Jesus in the Philippines who will use this money to create a special and memorable Christmas for the children whose families they work with. The profits will also go towards education of these children in 2013.
Not only is the CD great for easy listening or as a Christmas present but buying the CD, means that we are enabling the Spirit of Christmas to be passed from one country to another.
Anne McIlroy-Social Justice Co-ordinator, Genazzano FCJ College
Photo courtesy of Genazzano FCJ College
Singing for something
By Anne McIlroy, Genazzano FCJ College
IN Catholic schools we work with students, many of whom have an interest in social justice and a desire to make a difference. Every now and then we meet a student who has more energy and more passion to make a difference.
Georgie is one such student. Georgie is in Year 11 at Genazzano. Last year she was one of the students selected to go to Broome as part of the Indigenous Exchange that the College runs, which was an influential experience in her education in inequality and injustice.
“The Kimberley is a magical place but even more magical for me was the meeting with this culture that I really knew nothing about. The people I met and the conversations I had which are now part of me. That was the power of this experience,” Georgie said.
The experiences on the exchange meant that the awareness of these students working in areas of need and of inequality has been heightened.
The FCJ sisters work with the very poor in the Philippines and the Genazzano community works to support their efforts with fundraising and collecting books that can be used in their work.
Georgie had the idea to utilise the talents of current Genazzano students and make a CD to raise funds for the nuns.
When asked where the idea came from, Georgie said “while I love the sausage sizzles and the coloured clothes days we have to raise money for the nuns, I thought that this would be more than that."
The CD is also a way to create an awareness of the needs of the nuns and the lives of others.
So, with very little fuss, she got together thirteen students and they recorded some wonderful music which makes up the CD, ‘Singing for Something’.
On Tuesday 27 November, current students and past students, teachers and Sisters FCJ gathered at the Madeleine Centre for the ‘Singing for Something’ CD launch.
The profits will go to the Sisters Faithful Companion of Jesus in the Philippines who will use this money to create a special and memorable Christmas for the children whose families they work with. The profits will also go towards education of these children in 2013.
Not only is the CD great for easy listening or as a Christmas present but buying the CD, means that we are enabling the Spirit of Christmas to be passed from one country to another.
Anne McIlroy-Social Justice Co-ordinator, Genazzano FCJ College
Photo courtesy of Genazzano FCJ College