Seal of Confession - a Diversion from the Real Issues
Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese,
16 Nov 2012
16 Nov 2012
The seal of confession is inviolable
Reporting on the seal of confession has created a great diversion from events during the week when the Prime Minister announced a Royal Commission into sexual abuse of children.
There have been many "experts" across the social media platform but in many cases highlighting the sin of omission.
It may not be liked by some but the seal of confession is inviolable. The standard of secrecy protecting a confession outweighs any form of professional confidentiality or secrecy. When a person unburdens their soul and confesses his or her sins to a priest in the Sacrament of Penance, a very sacred trust is formed.
The priest must maintain absolute secrecy about anything that a person confesses.
By Canon Law (983.1) a priest cannot break the seal to save his own life, to protect his good name, to refute a false accusation, to save the life of another, to protect his good name, to aid th4e course of justice (like reporting a crime) or to avert a public calamity.
He cannot by law be compelled to disclose a person's conference. If he does break the seal of confession a priest can incur automatic excommunication.
The church's position on the seal of confession has long-standing credibility - and is the church's version of legal credibility.
Federal and state laws protect a member of the clergy from being forced to divulge details of a religious confession, just as it protects clients from being forced to disclose what they discuss with their lawyers.
However the "experts", bystanders and the ill-formed have be all too ready and willing this week to pronounce judgement, according to Fr Tony Percy, Rector of The Good Seminary Shepherd in the Sydney Archdiocese.
For Fr Percy's explanation of the seal of confession and why it is inviolable click here on