He signed the zero abortion manifesto
WRITING -sign the manifesto zero abortion and invited twenty people in your environment to support it.
You can sign it and spread it here
We need a million signatures and no much time to meet them. The draft law this fall will be sent to Congress.
We already have 90,000 and want to present the first 150,000 signatures to the Ministry of Justice on 26 September.
Help me to reach 150,000 signatures before September 26. They will be the first that we will present to the Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon.
We will then go to the million signatures. Because we are more than one million Spaniards in favor of the right to life. You can also contribute to meet the manifest and support it.
Support the cause of the right to life only will take you 30 seconds. And spread it among your friends, 30 others. In total, a minute of your time to change an unjust law by a law that protect unborn children and support their mothers.
Our politicians have to hear the voice of Spanish society, which wants to protect the right to life and support the woman to be a mother.
If we get a million signatures, we will present them in Congress at the same time as the reform of the abortion law.
The new law will be as you want it. It is up to you. You're just two steps away. Start here:
Sign your declaration of abortion zero
Sign this petition to President Rajoy. Can you encourage other people to support it?
We need 150,000 signatures for a first delivery to the Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, on September 26. We have 90,000 and us missing 60,000 more to reach the first 150,000 signatures of the #AbortoCero manifesto
Repeal the abortion and pass a law that protect life and recognizing and supporting motherhood is possible!
Since 1985, year in which adopted the first law of abortion in Spain, a million and a half of human lives have been eliminated.
A new law will not return them life, but yes it will more worthy our lives and those of our children.
Thank you for inspiring fairer laws. SHARED FROM HAZTEOIR.ORG