From the iBreviary to parish webcams, Sacred Space and Pray as You - the Internet is opening up many new ways of bringing people together in praying communities. A new virtual group all over the world has recently started, praying the Rosary on Skype.
Organiser Mrs Kinga Sólyomné Székely, writes: "Every evening at a set time, usually 21.00 UK time, we connect together in groups of 8 -10 people on Skype, via a live conference call, to recite a Rosary (with five Mysteries). Before and after this we might pray other prayers too.
"We experienced that there is a strong spiritual connection between the group’s members and with the Heavens, bonding wonderfully with each other, becoming almost like a second family to each other."
"Anyone is welcome to join the prayer group, with no commitment or obligations. ( All you need to do is to download Skype application on your computer, tabloid or smart phone for free, choose a Skype username and password, needed for signing in. Then we are ready to connect in prayer).
"The dream of Father Petrusz Pavlicek’s, OMF, (1902-1982), named 'Apostle of the Rosary', could become reality, for that: ‘'A worldwide expiatory prayer campaign is needed to spread from man to man and from country to country. Just like the Rosary’s beads are in one line, people should connect in a similar way, to join together in prayer the two poles of the world and the Atlantic with the Pacific.'"
“Only praying people can solve the contemporary problems” Blessed John Paul II said.
"We would like to ask all our brothers and sisters in God, please let others know about this praying opportunity, any way possible."
For further information or to join one of the 'Virgin Mary’s Smile' prayer groups, please contact Mrs Kinga Sólyomné Székely on: , or on 00447413750031. |