Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese,
25 Sep 2012
More than 40,000 from across Australia and 28 other countries are expected to participate in Australia's seventh eConference on 10 October which will mark the 50th anniversary of Vatican II and celebrate the Year of Grace.
Streamed live to halls, parishes, schools, community centres and homes in every diocese in Australia and to communities in the US, Britain, Ireland, Malaysia, Venezuela, Indonesia, Swaziland, Hungary, the Philippines, Germany, South Africa and Europe, "Vatican II: An Event of Grace" will explore the historic papal conference of 1962 and reiterate its call for spiritual renewal, evangelisation, ecumenism and adaption.
Presented by the Broken Bay Institute in conjunction with the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, the eConference will feature some of the nation's leading scholars, theologians and teachers.
The keynote speaker for this year's eConference will be the Most Rev Michael Putney, Bishop of Townsville and one of the world's leading scholars on ecumenism.
"Half a century on, we have an opportunity to examine Vatican II in the light of Catholic Tradition and in respect of questions that have arisen since," he says.
One of Australia's most highly regarded theologians, Sister Maryanne Confoy rsc will also be one of the featured speakers at next month's eConference. Melbourne-born Sr Maryanne has a PhD in Theology and Education from Boston Ciollege, USA, is a Professor of Practical Theology at the Jesuit Theological College and visiting Professor at the Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry at Boston College.
Jill Gowdie who leads Evangelisation and Spiritual Formation at Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Brisbane will also speak at the eConference. Well known for developing frameworks and system-wide strategic approaches to spiritual formation for leaders and teachers, Jill has a particular passion on the transformative influence of leadership within the Catholic school context.
Another who will address the eConference is Paul Power, CEO of the Refugee Council of Australia and member of the Australian Government's Refugee Resettlement Advisory Council. A longtime advocate for refugees, Paul says Vatican II had a vital role in defining his life's work and believes everyone should be aware of the "grace and wisdom" contained in Vatican II's key document: Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World."
As with previous eConferences, not only will participants have a chance to hear some of the world's leading theologians and religious authorities but they will also be able to ask questions via email and take part in the afternoon forums.
Beginning at 10.30 am the format of Vatican II: An Event of Grace will be similar to previous eConferences. Broken into six sessions of 20 minutes each, the live webcast begins with an opening prayer followed by an introduction and then the first keynote speaker. After this first address, there are facilitated discussions at sites across the country. Then comes the second key note speaker, followed by another 20 minute facilitated discussion. After a break for lunch there are two more speakers and discussions followed by a panel of question and answers and a final prayer around 2.45pm.
Although two eConferences were held each year prior to 2012, instead of an eConference in the first half of this year, the BBI instead launched a series of online faith formation courses.
Created by leading biblical scholars and theologians, the initial series of Adult Faith Online proved a huge success and will continue to be part of the Catholic calendar.
As with the Adult Faith Online initiative, eConferences have also proved tremendously popular with thousands of communities, schools and groups taking part.
"The popularity of eConferences shows that people are really hungry for good quality adult faith formation and the opportunity to come together to reflect on the Gospel and to allow the Gospel and its teachings to have a living active role in our daily lives," says Bishop David Walker of Broken Bay.
The added plus is that DVDs of each eConference are available from BBI enabling those who participate to go back over what they have learned, and for those who were unable to be part of the eConference not to miss out. With six DVDs now available, each with its own special theme, schools, parishes and individuals have access to an invaluable and ongoing resource for faith formation.
To register to participate in Vatican II: An Event of Grace go to
25 Sep 2012
Bishop Michael Putney keynote speaker at seventh national eConference
Streamed live to halls, parishes, schools, community centres and homes in every diocese in Australia and to communities in the US, Britain, Ireland, Malaysia, Venezuela, Indonesia, Swaziland, Hungary, the Philippines, Germany, South Africa and Europe, "Vatican II: An Event of Grace" will explore the historic papal conference of 1962 and reiterate its call for spiritual renewal, evangelisation, ecumenism and adaption.
Presented by the Broken Bay Institute in conjunction with the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, the eConference will feature some of the nation's leading scholars, theologians and teachers.
The keynote speaker for this year's eConference will be the Most Rev Michael Putney, Bishop of Townsville and one of the world's leading scholars on ecumenism.
"Half a century on, we have an opportunity to examine Vatican II in the light of Catholic Tradition and in respect of questions that have arisen since," he says.
eConferences a unique innovative path to faith formation
Jill Gowdie who leads Evangelisation and Spiritual Formation at Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Brisbane will also speak at the eConference. Well known for developing frameworks and system-wide strategic approaches to spiritual formation for leaders and teachers, Jill has a particular passion on the transformative influence of leadership within the Catholic school context.
Another who will address the eConference is Paul Power, CEO of the Refugee Council of Australia and member of the Australian Government's Refugee Resettlement Advisory Council. A longtime advocate for refugees, Paul says Vatican II had a vital role in defining his life's work and believes everyone should be aware of the "grace and wisdom" contained in Vatican II's key document: Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World."
As with previous eConferences, not only will participants have a chance to hear some of the world's leading theologians and religious authorities but they will also be able to ask questions via email and take part in the afternoon forums.
Beginning at 10.30 am the format of Vatican II: An Event of Grace will be similar to previous eConferences. Broken into six sessions of 20 minutes each, the live webcast begins with an opening prayer followed by an introduction and then the first keynote speaker. After this first address, there are facilitated discussions at sites across the country. Then comes the second key note speaker, followed by another 20 minute facilitated discussion. After a break for lunch there are two more speakers and discussions followed by a panel of question and answers and a final prayer around 2.45pm.
Sister Maryanne Confoy important keynote speaker at eConference
Created by leading biblical scholars and theologians, the initial series of Adult Faith Online proved a huge success and will continue to be part of the Catholic calendar.
As with the Adult Faith Online initiative, eConferences have also proved tremendously popular with thousands of communities, schools and groups taking part.
"The popularity of eConferences shows that people are really hungry for good quality adult faith formation and the opportunity to come together to reflect on the Gospel and to allow the Gospel and its teachings to have a living active role in our daily lives," says Bishop David Walker of Broken Bay.
The added plus is that DVDs of each eConference are available from BBI enabling those who participate to go back over what they have learned, and for those who were unable to be part of the eConference not to miss out. With six DVDs now available, each with its own special theme, schools, parishes and individuals have access to an invaluable and ongoing resource for faith formation.
To register to participate in Vatican II: An Event of Grace go to