(CCCB – Ottawa )… The Catholic Bishops of Canada were in Plenary Assembly this week, since 24 September, at the Hotel Mont-Gabriel, Sainte-Adèle , Quebec . This morning, they welcomed the Honourable Jason Kenney, federal Minister for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. Minister Kenney responded to questions from the Bishops on immigration as well as to their concerns about refugees. The meeting of the Plenary Assembly closed at noon today.
Yesterday, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops welcomed His Eminence Jean-Claude Cardinal Turcotte, Archbishop Emeritus of Montreal . The evening included a special reception honouring Canada ’s two resident Cardinals, Cardinal Turcotte and His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto. Cardinal Collins was elevated to the College of Cardinals during the Consistory held in Vatican City on 18 February 2012.
In March 2012, the Holy Father accepted Cardinal Turcotte’s resignation as Archbishop of Montreal. He had offered his resignation after attaining the age of 75 in 2011. Cardinal Turcotte was responsible for the Archdiocese of Montreal for 22 years. Throughout these years, he was also an ex officio member of the CCCB Permanent Council, and served as President of the Conference from 1997 to 1999. As a member of the College of Cardinals, he has held appointments to the Pontifical Council for SocialCommunications , the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, and the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
In March 2012, the Holy Father accepted Cardinal Turcotte’s resignation as Archbishop of Montreal. He had offered his resignation after attaining the age of 75 in 2011. Cardinal Turcotte was responsible for the Archdiocese of Montreal for 22 years. Throughout these years, he was also an ex officio member of the CCCB Permanent Council, and served as President of the Conference from 1997 to 1999. As a member of the College of Cardinals, he has held appointments to the Pontifical Council for Social