In the same time it takes most people to complete the 5km course, CatholicCare will have helped another 20 children and adults through counselling, family support, mediation, refugee settlement, and other support services.
By participating in Run Melbourne and/or raising funds for CatholicCare, you will be caring for the whole community. CatholicCare’s wide range of services provide vital support and create connections across Melbourne and Geelong communities, reducing social isolation and disadvantage.
To register, simply go to , click Entry and follow the prompts to join CatholicCare’s team, Walking Angels. Email or phone 9287 5585 to notify us you are joining the team, and an invitation link will be sent to set up your fundraising page.
First 50 people to register with Walking Angels receive wings & halos.
Walking Angels Team page is officially opened! Welcome to join us as a team member or sponsor us!