Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese,
13 Jul 2012
A video debate including right-to-die advocate Dr Philip Nitschke and leading Australian ethicist Dr Bernadette Tobin is attracting a large and increasing number of online hits proving the debate is certainly not in the end stages.
An initiative of the Australian Catholic University (ACU), the debate is the third in the university's Speaker Voice series and marked the first time euthanasia campaigner and founder of Exit International, Dr Nitschke had debated the issue with leading Catholic ethics, palliative care and legal experts.
Dr Tobin is Director of the Plunkett Centre for Ethics at the Plunkett Centre for Ethics at St Vincent's & Mater Health and following the format of the previous two Speaker Voice symposiums, gave the evening's keynote address which was followed by a panel discussion and wide-ranging debate.
The panel comprised Dr Nitschke, Dr Tobin, Fr Frank Brennan who is Professor of Law at ACU and Adjunct Professor of Law at the Australian National University (ANU) and Professor O'Connor, the Vivian Bullwinkel Chair in Palliative Nursing at Monash University, Melbourne.
In addition to the debate there was also a question and answer session.
The evening explored the issue of euthanasia from all sides and raised many of the ethical and legal ramifications that would result from the legalisation of euthanasia not only for those who wish to voluntarily end their lives but for their families, loved ones and the medical profession as a whole.
The first of ACU's quarterly Speaker Voice Series was held in October last year. The first of these symposiums which are free and open to the public, and are designed to trigger public debate, tackled the Ethics of War. Philosophers, ethicists and the National Director of Amnesty International examined the issue of war and whether it was a necessary evil in the protection of human rights and whether scientists should take responsibility for the weapons they created that enabled destruction to be carried out on such a massive and devastating scale.
The second of the series held in March this year explored the issue of Refugees, human rights and our ethical obligations as Australians.
Videos of all three Speaker Voice Series are now available on line on the ACU's Speaker Voice website.
The fourth in this important series will take place on 29 August when experts will debate Climate Change. Professor Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics at Charles Sturt University will deliver the key note address. He will also be part of the panel which will include leading scientist and conservationist, Professor Tim Flannery, former Liberal senator Nick Minchin and Fr Frank Brennan.
The event is open to the public and is free of charge. However space is limited so check out the ACU website and Voice Series to find out how to register at
Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese,
13 Jul 2012
The euthanasia debate is still alive and well
An initiative of the Australian Catholic University (ACU), the debate is the third in the university's Speaker Voice series and marked the first time euthanasia campaigner and founder of Exit International, Dr Nitschke had debated the issue with leading Catholic ethics, palliative care and legal experts.
Dr Tobin is Director of the Plunkett Centre for Ethics at the Plunkett Centre for Ethics at St Vincent's & Mater Health and following the format of the previous two Speaker Voice symposiums, gave the evening's keynote address which was followed by a panel discussion and wide-ranging debate.
The panel comprised Dr Nitschke, Dr Tobin, Fr Frank Brennan who is Professor of Law at ACU and Adjunct Professor of Law at the Australian National University (ANU) and Professor O'Connor, the Vivian Bullwinkel Chair in Palliative Nursing at Monash University, Melbourne.
Dr Bernette Tobin, director of the
Plunkett Centre for Ethics
The evening explored the issue of euthanasia from all sides and raised many of the ethical and legal ramifications that would result from the legalisation of euthanasia not only for those who wish to voluntarily end their lives but for their families, loved ones and the medical profession as a whole.
The first of ACU's quarterly Speaker Voice Series was held in October last year. The first of these symposiums which are free and open to the public, and are designed to trigger public debate, tackled the Ethics of War. Philosophers, ethicists and the National Director of Amnesty International examined the issue of war and whether it was a necessary evil in the protection of human rights and whether scientists should take responsibility for the weapons they created that enabled destruction to be carried out on such a massive and devastating scale.
The second of the series held in March this year explored the issue of Refugees, human rights and our ethical obligations as Australians.
Right to Die Advocate Dr Philip Nitschke part of
ACU debate on Ethics and Euthanasia
The fourth in this important series will take place on 29 August when experts will debate Climate Change. Professor Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics at Charles Sturt University will deliver the key note address. He will also be part of the panel which will include leading scientist and conservationist, Professor Tim Flannery, former Liberal senator Nick Minchin and Fr Frank Brennan.
The event is open to the public and is free of charge. However space is limited so check out the ACU website and Voice Series to find out how to register at