Agenzia Fides REPORT - There are now more than 3,000 young people enrolled in the 34th National Catholic Youth Day in Uruguay, to be held in Maldonado on 1 and 2 September. According to information sent to Fides Agency from the National Commission of Youth Pastoral of the Episcopal Conference of Uruguay, this important event will have the aim to renew the faith of young Catholics and to share the enthusiasm of the proclamation and commitment towards others. To promote this meeting, the Diocese of Maldonado has opened a website where one can listen to the anthem of the meeting and find all the useful information, like the poster (which can also be downloaded as a file and as a background graphic), the words, the music and the sound of the hymn of the great festival of young Catholics in Uruguay. A page has the details of how to get to the place where the meeting will be held. One section is reserved for priests who wish to participate, where in addition to the enrollment they can also choose the type of pastoral collaboration they intend to offer. The website also has a version available for new phones and other mobile devices. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 02/07/2012)