Going forward – The Australian Ordinariate
Friday 8 June 2012
By Bishop David Robarts
There has been much joy and enthusiasm generated around the country by news as to the establishment of an Australian Ordinariate on 15 June and with the announcement of its first Ordinary.
The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, as it is to be most fittingly named, will be under the patronage of St Augustine of Canterbury who was sent by Pope Gregory the Great in 596 A D to evangelise the English.
Many people, Anglican and Catholic, have shown interest in the new venture. In response to this there is to be an Information Day to be held at Our Lady of Victories Basilica and adjacent Hall in Burke Road Camberwell on Saturday 14 July commencing at 10am.
The theme of the day will be 'Going Forward'. There will be presentations by Bishop Peter Elliott, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Melbourne and delegate of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in the Ordinariate project; Father James Grant an Ordinariate bound Anglican Priest, and widely experienced Schools Chaplain, who will speak on “Christian Education a Way Forward for Anglicans in the Catholic Church”. Professor Tracey Rowland, Dean of the John Paul ll Institutefor Marriage and the Family, will address the topic of “Pope Benedict XVl, the Ordinariate, and New Evangelization”. There will be ample time for questions and enquiries, and the Day will conclude with Anglican Sung Evensong and
A wide range of literature: books, and other printed material, will be available. There will also be forms available for those wishing to enter the Ordinariate – whether as Anglicans seeking to enter the Ordinariate, Baptized Catholics who are members of a family belonging to the Ordinariate, or members of the lay faithful of the Catholic Church who were originally of the Anglican tradition.
Those wishing to attend the Information Day, for which lunch and hot drinks will be provided, will need to obtain Registration Forms. They may do so from Father Graeme Mitchell either by email: Father Graeme Mitchell FSSM frgraeme@fsssm.info or by phone:
9528 6660. If he is not there, leave an appropriate recorded message with your details.
By the end of the month Forms will also be available at John XXlll Bookshop, in North Road Ormond. Brochures will need to be returned by Friday 6 July at the latest. (IMAGE SOURCE: GOOGLE.COM)
Friday 8 June 2012
By Bishop David Robarts
There has been much joy and enthusiasm generated around the country by news as to the establishment of an Australian Ordinariate on 15 June and with the announcement of its first Ordinary.
The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, as it is to be most fittingly named, will be under the patronage of St Augustine of Canterbury who was sent by Pope Gregory the Great in 596 A D to evangelise the English.
Many people, Anglican and Catholic, have shown interest in the new venture. In response to this there is to be an Information Day to be held at Our Lady of Victories Basilica and adjacent Hall in Burke Road Camberwell on Saturday 14 July commencing at 10am.
The theme of the day will be 'Going Forward'. There will be presentations by Bishop Peter Elliott, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Melbourne and delegate of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in the Ordinariate project; Father James Grant an Ordinariate bound Anglican Priest, and widely experienced Schools Chaplain, who will speak on “Christian Education a Way Forward for Anglicans in the Catholic Church”. Professor Tracey Rowland, Dean of the John Paul ll Institutefor Marriage and the Family, will address the topic of “Pope Benedict XVl, the Ordinariate, and New Evangelization”. There will be ample time for questions and enquiries, and the Day will conclude with Anglican Sung Evensong and
A wide range of literature: books, and other printed material, will be available. There will also be forms available for those wishing to enter the Ordinariate – whether as Anglicans seeking to enter the Ordinariate, Baptized Catholics who are members of a family belonging to the Ordinariate, or members of the lay faithful of the Catholic Church who were originally of the Anglican tradition.
Those wishing to attend the Information Day, for which lunch and hot drinks will be provided, will need to obtain Registration Forms. They may do so from Father Graeme Mitchell either by email: Father Graeme Mitchell FSSM frgraeme@fsssm.info or by phone:
9528 6660. If he is not there, leave an appropriate recorded message with your details.
By the end of the month Forms will also be available at John XXlll Bookshop, in North Road Ormond. Brochures will need to be returned by Friday 6 July at the latest. (IMAGE SOURCE: GOOGLE.COM)