Annual Day of Prayer for Priests
In 2002, the Catholic Church announced a special annual world priest day, a day of prayer for the sanctification of The Annual Global Rosary Relay for Priests
The Annual Global Rosary Relay idea is a simple one: in that each of the 60 participating shrines prays a particular mystery of the Rosary at a particular half hour on the day in thanksgiving to God for our priests and to implore the protection and loving care of Our Lady, Mother of all priests, for all her priestly sons. With the coming of midnight on the 15th June 2012, the entire world, by then, will have been encircled in prayer for our priests on this The Annual Rosary Relay Day.
How to Promote the Annual Global Rosary Relay
- Place a a notice in your Parish newsletter.
- Place a banner advertisement on you Diocesan or Parish website.
- Text all your friends about the Rosary Relay.
- Email all your contacts with the good news and invite them to participate.
- Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & YouTube
- Place an advertisement notice in your Diocesan newspaper.
- Send a copy of the news release to your local newspapers.
- Download the promotional material and circulate where appropriate.
- Pray the Rosary with 60 Shrines in 60 Countries in 24 Hours
Why Pray the Rosary?
How to Pray the Rosary
The Rosary Mysteries & Prayers
The 15 Promises of the Rosary
How to Participate
Cómo Participar en el Rosario Global Anual
Planning Ahead
Promotional Material