Phyllis Bowman |
Phyllis Bowman, founder of Right to Life, and one of the world's leading pro-life campaigners against abortion and euthanasia died peacefully this morning in Hammersmith Hospital with her family at her side. Pro-lifers around the world are mourning her passing.
The following statements have been issued today by close friends of Phyllis:
Rt Hon Ann Widdecombe, former Home Office Minister and Conservative MP and a life-long pro-life campaigner today said:
"Phyllis Bowman's contribution to the pro-life cause was unique but her work will be carried on and she is probably already getting the heavenly hosts organised. Right to Life has lost a much loved founder and all of us a much loved friend. The biggest tribute we can pay her is to ensure her vigorous defence of the helpless unborn child continues unabated."
Prof Lord Alton of Liverpool, who as Lib Dem MP, David Alton, brought forward many measures to tighten the law on abortion today said:
"For half a century Phyllis has been an indefatigable champion of the unborn child and for the sanctity of human life. Her tireless efforts, right up to her final illness and last days, serve as an inspiration to the next generation. She was an extraordinarily talented woman, utterly dedicated, highly articulate, politically shrewd and the possessor of an encyclopedic memory. Her early training as a Fleet Street journalist never left her short of things to say. Her Christian faith and her beloved husband, Jerry, kept her strong throughout years of having to fight endless battles against abortion, embryo experimentation, human cloning and euthanasia. Her name deserves to be associated with some of the great women who have given their lives to great causes - Elizabeth Fry, Florence Nightingale, Emmeline Pankhurst, Cicely Saunders, Mother Teresa and Sue Ryder."
Chris Whitehouse, Secretary of the Catholic Legislators' Network and a Trustee of Phyllis Bowman's Right to Life Charitable Trust added:
"Phyllis Bowman was one of the key foundation stones upon which the world pro-life movement was built. Her legacy is that despite the rising tide of the culture of death, hundreds of thousands are alive today who would otherwise have been slaughtered in the womb; and that the United Kingdom has to date resisted the introduction of euthanasia. She was a lantern of hope in the dark, and will continue to shine through the generations of young pro-lifers whom she inspired."