ISIOLO, May 22, 2012 (CISA) -President Emilio Mwai Kibaki officially opened the Isiolo MaterCare Referral Hospital, built by the Isiolo Catholic Diocese in conjunction with MaterCare International, on Saturday May 19.
In his speech, the President praised the Catholic Church for the role it has played and continues to play in helping the government provide healthcare services to Kenyan citizens through the establishment of health centers and clinics.
Furthermore, he praised Mater Care International for their generous contribution towards the health sector and maternal mortality in the region. He stated that the government is fully developing the maternal and reproductive healthcare sector in order for the country to be able to achieve its Millennium Development Goals.
The president also demanded for an investigation into the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) that is plagued with scandals and allegations of corruption and misuse of funds. He promised that the government will deal with individuals who are found misappropriating funds. “We must never compromise the health of our citizens because of greed and schemes meant to put money in the pockets of people who have no capacity to deliver health services to the people,” Kibaki said.
Bishop Anthony Ireri Mukobo, IMC, of Isiolo Diocese dearly thanked the Matercare International and its founder and executive director Dr Robert Walley and for tirelessly sourcing for funds to construct the hospital as a tribute to Blessed John Paul II and the late Bishop Luigi Locati. “We pray that the Lord continues to bless you and the benefactors especially the well wishers from Canada and the Italian Episcopal Conference for your generosity,” he said.
“The Chinese have a saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step. My memory goes several years ago when we begun this noble journey to realize this noble project. The patron Saint of Matercare Gianna Buretta Mola a mother, a daughter, a wife and a doctor died while giving birth. This moved the health professionals to dedicate their talents to the care of mothers and babies both born and unborn through the initiatives of services, training, research and advocacy which are intended to reduce the tragically high rates of maternal mortality, morbidity and abortion. We thus believe that never again should a mother die giving birth,” emphasized bishop Mukobo.
The bishop appreciated the government’s vision to make Isiolo a resort city. “In line with the Social Pillar of the vision 2030 whose aim is to have a just and cohesive society, enjoying equitable social development in a clean and secure environment, it is our wish Your Excellency, that security be given a first priority in Isiolo, as well as in the entire nation since there can be no real development without lasting peace and there can be no lasting peace without justice” he added.
Bishop Mukobo concluded with an appeal to all the residents of Isiolo to reconcile and remain in harmony especially during this election mood period.
Medical Services Minister Anyang’ Nyong’o, in a speech read on his behalf by Prof George Saitoti said that only 28 per cent of Isiolo County’s mothers deliver babies at hospitals or with a medical doctors’ assistance.
MaterCare International is an international group of Catholic obstetricians and gynecologists that has adopted a preferential option for mothers and babies. Its mission is to carry out the work of Evangelium Vitae (the Gospel of Life) by improving the lives and health of mothers and babies both born and unborn, through new initiatives of service, training, research, and advocacy designed to reduce the tragic levels of abortion world-wide and maternal and prenatal mortality and morbidity in developing countries.
ISIOLO, May 22, 2012 (CISA) -President Emilio Mwai Kibaki officially opened the Isiolo MaterCare Referral Hospital, built by the Isiolo Catholic Diocese in conjunction with MaterCare International, on Saturday May 19.
In his speech, the President praised the Catholic Church for the role it has played and continues to play in helping the government provide healthcare services to Kenyan citizens through the establishment of health centers and clinics.
Furthermore, he praised Mater Care International for their generous contribution towards the health sector and maternal mortality in the region. He stated that the government is fully developing the maternal and reproductive healthcare sector in order for the country to be able to achieve its Millennium Development Goals.
The president also demanded for an investigation into the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) that is plagued with scandals and allegations of corruption and misuse of funds. He promised that the government will deal with individuals who are found misappropriating funds. “We must never compromise the health of our citizens because of greed and schemes meant to put money in the pockets of people who have no capacity to deliver health services to the people,” Kibaki said.
Bishop Anthony Ireri Mukobo, IMC, of Isiolo Diocese dearly thanked the Matercare International and its founder and executive director Dr Robert Walley and for tirelessly sourcing for funds to construct the hospital as a tribute to Blessed John Paul II and the late Bishop Luigi Locati. “We pray that the Lord continues to bless you and the benefactors especially the well wishers from Canada and the Italian Episcopal Conference for your generosity,” he said.
“The Chinese have a saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step. My memory goes several years ago when we begun this noble journey to realize this noble project. The patron Saint of Matercare Gianna Buretta Mola a mother, a daughter, a wife and a doctor died while giving birth. This moved the health professionals to dedicate their talents to the care of mothers and babies both born and unborn through the initiatives of services, training, research and advocacy which are intended to reduce the tragically high rates of maternal mortality, morbidity and abortion. We thus believe that never again should a mother die giving birth,” emphasized bishop Mukobo.
The bishop appreciated the government’s vision to make Isiolo a resort city. “In line with the Social Pillar of the vision 2030 whose aim is to have a just and cohesive society, enjoying equitable social development in a clean and secure environment, it is our wish Your Excellency, that security be given a first priority in Isiolo, as well as in the entire nation since there can be no real development without lasting peace and there can be no lasting peace without justice” he added.
Bishop Mukobo concluded with an appeal to all the residents of Isiolo to reconcile and remain in harmony especially during this election mood period.
Medical Services Minister Anyang’ Nyong’o, in a speech read on his behalf by Prof George Saitoti said that only 28 per cent of Isiolo County’s mothers deliver babies at hospitals or with a medical doctors’ assistance.
MaterCare International is an international group of Catholic obstetricians and gynecologists that has adopted a preferential option for mothers and babies. Its mission is to carry out the work of Evangelium Vitae (the Gospel of Life) by improving the lives and health of mothers and babies both born and unborn, through new initiatives of service, training, research, and advocacy designed to reduce the tragic levels of abortion world-wide and maternal and prenatal mortality and morbidity in developing countries.