Annual Walk with Mary Mass and procession |
Monday 2 April 2012 A large crowd gathered at St Patrick's Cathedral on Sunday 25 March for the annual Walk with Mary Mass and procession to St Paul's Cathedral. The unique event commemorates one of the most important feasts in the Church: the Annunciation when Jesus Christ became incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Virgin. Bishop Peter Elliott was the principal celebrant at the Mass, which was attended by Anglican Bishop Peter Danaher from Geelong. Both bishops participated in the procession, and at St Paul's Cathedral Bishop Danaher also gave an excellent homily. The procession was a colourful and spiritually enriching experience with many priests, families, Religious, parishioners and representatives of communities such as the Chinese, Portuguese and the Tongan communities amongst many others. Sacred Heart Girls College, Oakleigh Choir did a wonderful work by leading the singing. St Patrick's College Ballarat had the honour of carrying the statue of Our Lady of Walsingham. Along the route the Rosary was recited and the Lourdes hymn and other hymns sung. Priests commented that they felt the whole city of Melbourne being blessed by the procession and public witness. The Combined Societies of Mary wishes to thank all who participated, and all who assisted in any way to help make the day such a memorable occasion. A grand celebration is now being planned for next year, which will commemorate the 25th Walk With Mary. |