Pope Benedict as he greeted the estimated 10 thousand faithful gather was wrapped up warm in a white coat to guard against the chill in the air.
At weeks Angelus Pope Benedict took his inspiration from Sunday’s Gospel
“In the Gospel this Sunday, we learn of the healing that Jesus brought to many who were suffering from diseases of one kind or another. We commend to him all those known to us who are in need of healing and we ask him to take away our own hardness of heart, so that we may respond more generously to his love.”
The Holy Father went on to describe disease as “a sign of Evil in the world and in man”, and he added that, “healing shows that the Kingdom of God is near.”
In sickness, said the Pope "you can experience the attention of others”, but he also said that you have the chance to “give attention to others."
Empathizing with those who suffer, the Holy Father described disease, as a condition, that "can become too long and difficult", and "when healing does not come and suffering is extended, we can remain isolated and overwhelmed."
The Holy Father made his reflections, a few days before the liturgical memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, and the World Day of the Sick, saying, we must react to illness, "with the appropriate care," but also with faith.
"In sickness the Pope said we all need human warmth." He also pointed out that on Sunday the 5th in Italy the Day for Life is celebrated.
"As Jesus faced the devil, Pope Benedict said, the power of love came from the Father, so we can face and overcome disease by keeping the heart immersed in the love of God."