Good Shepherd welcomes new Province Leader |
Tuesday 7 February 2012 By Rosie Hoban View gallery Read Sr Anne's inaugural talk Anne (pictured right) is known widely within Good Shepherd as the person who began The Trading Circle, Fair Trade Company, in the 1990s. Today, Good Shepherd has Trading Circle stores in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, selling products made by women in developing countries. But Anne’s Good Shepherd life spans several decades and countries. She entered the Good Shepherds in Johannesburg in December 1963, and came to Australia from South Africa in February 1980. The “school” quickly grew from 14 children in the garage of the priest’s house, to 500 children inside a small community centre which the City Council had built and which had been a white elephant until Good Shepherd took it over. Anne, who delivered the Homily at Saturday’s inauguration Mass, referred to her adventure last year of walking the Camino, an 800km pilgrimage trail in Spain. She said the Camino walk helped her “let go” of many of life’s unimportant trappings. St Paul tells us that without love we are nothing and what we do is worth nothing. Jesus says simply: ‘What I command you is to love one another’,” Anne said. Anne’s six-year term will provide many challenges and possibilities as Good Shepherd Sisters and mission partners work together through their agencies and communities in New Zealand, Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland, to continue the work which first began in Australia 149 years ago. To read Anne’s homily in full click here. Photos by Casamento Photography |