A packed commuter train in Buenos Aires, Brazil, in South America has crashed on Wednesday, February 22, 2012. 49 people were killed in the wreckage and 550 were injured. Police report that the brakes failed causing the train to collide with a retaining wall at the end of the track. Approximately, 800 commuters were travelling on the train that day. The train was travelling 26 Km per hour at the time of the crash. It caused a car pile up. There have been numerous smaller crashes in Argentina. The train system has come under greater scrutiny due to its poor conditions. (Image source; blogs)
According to Radio Vaticana:
"Pope Benedict has sent a telegram of condolence to the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Maria Bergoglio, SJ, following a train crash in the city yesterday which killed 50 people. The telegram signed by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone conveyed the Holy Father’s sorrow at the sad news.
Cardinal Bertone also said the Pope expressed his solidarity and prayers to all the victims, those wounded and all those who have been affected by this tragedy."