In an interview with Chris Altieri, Archbishop Aymond talked about some of the issues facing the Church in America.
He spoke about the recent decision by the President Barack Obama’s decision to demanding that sterilization, abortifacients and contraception be included in virtually all health plans. “This is extremely disappointing – that the government has taken this stance. It’s unprecedented, as we know… We must express our disappointment, we must express our confusion, because, I think, we thought the United States was a land of liberty and justice and freedom, and that seems not to be the case.”
Archbishop Aymond also spoke about the upcoming Year of Faith and the New Evangelisation: “I’m very much looking forward… to the Synod on Evangelisation. We know that there are people who are un-churched, and there are people who are nominally catholic, people who are catholic by title. This is an opportunity for us to become more missionary, to become more outreaching, because as we know, what we are really about in evangelisation is to help people come to a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus and then that leads to a greater commitment to the Church and to religion.”
The Archdiocese of New Orleans, he said, has a special focus during the Year of Faith. “We have declared it a Year of Faith, with a specific emphasis on coming to a better understanding of and appreciation of the Eucharist.” Their approach was inspired by “the gift of the new Roman Missal.”