Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese REPORT
Cardinal Pell on the steps of St Mary's Cathedral
with the Sisters of Life during WYD08
News that four religious sisters from the US-based charism, the Sisters of Life, will run an afternoon retreat for women at the Broadway campus of the University of Notre Dame (UND) has met with an overwhelming response.
"So far just over 100 women have registered although many more are expected," says Jessica Langrell, UND's Chaplaincy Convenor.
The women who have registered for the retreat, to be held on Wednesday, 14 December range in age from 17 to 70.
"We have teenagers through to the over 50s and 60s and some mothers will even be accompanied by their youngest children," Jessica says
The theme of the retreat, "Behold I make all things new" is taken from Corinthians (2 COR 5:17).
Sisters of Life during World Youth
Day in Madrid
"The retreat is a chance for women of all ages to deepen and strengthen their prayer life and to be inspired in their faith," Jessica adds.
The Sisters of Life community was founded back in 1991 by New York-based Cardinal John O'Connor to "protect and enhance the sacredness of every human life."
Sisters from the community were in Sydney for World Youth Day in 2008 and were also present this year in Madrid for WYD11.
"Australians everywhere responded to the Sisters of Life when they were here three years ago and many of us met up with them again in Madrid," says Jessica who describes those within the community as "very holy women filled with love."
Jessica Langrell,
Chaplaincy Convenor at
the University of Notre Dame
This recent charism of women is dedicated to the new evangelisation and like all religious communities takes the three traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, as well as a special fourth vow to protect and enhance the sanctity of human life.
The community which includes sisters from New Zealand and Canada as well as from across the US, welcomes pregnant women at their convents, inviting them to live there while awaiting the birth of their child, assisting them and other pregnant women both pastorally and practically, as well as offering retreats full of healing and hope for those who have suffered the tragedy of abortion.
Although the Sisters of Life have yet to establish a community in Australia, they are well known for their teaching about the sacredness of life, their piety, grace, compassion, warmth and humour.
Sisters of Life are dedicated to
the protection and enhancement
of all human life
"They made a big impact on many young Catholics when they were in Sydney for World Youth Day and now their reputation precedes them, which is why as soon as we put posters up for the retreat on 14 December at UND, we were flooded with enquiries," Jessica says.
In addition to the retreat at UND, the four religious from the Sisters of Life will speak at the 12 December meeting in Sydney of Theology on Tap and from 8 - 11 December will join the Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, Anna Krohn from the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family, and other powerful theologians at 2011's annual iWitness Conference at Stanwell Tops, NSW.
There is no charge for the Sisters of Life Women's Afternoon Retreat at UND's Broadway campus on 14 December but registration is essential. To find out more and to register contact the university's Chaplaincy Convenor by emailing her