"I believe in the genius of women. Even in the darkest
periods that genius is found, which is the leaven of human progress and
history." Blessed Pope John Paul II
The Catholic Women's League of Australia (CWLA) has launched a new dynamic website to help bring the light of the Gospel to a wider audience and to contribute to the transformation of our culture into a civilisation of life and love. The new site is at:
The new website highlights the significant work being done by League members locally, nationally and internationally. It also includes a comprehensive bioethics section. Anna Krohn, the CWLA National Bioethics Convenor, hopes that the new CWLA website will help create greater awareness about contemporary bioethics issues, enable visitors to gain an insight into bioethics principles and stimulate their imagination to inspire action and response in their own lives and communities. The following section of the site, illustrates how CWLA hopes to use this powerful medium to help change hearts and minds:
More 'Changing Hearts & Minds' resources are at:
CWLA is the national peak body representing the League's seven member organisations located throughout Australia. Addressing social justice and ethical questions is one of our primary tasks. We seek to influence legislative and administrative bodies at all levels in order to preserve the dignity of the human person. We strive to be a voice for the voiceless
The Catholic Women's League of Australia (CWLA) has launched a new dynamic website to help bring the light of the Gospel to a wider audience and to contribute to the transformation of our culture into a civilisation of life and love. The new site is at:
The new website highlights the significant work being done by League members locally, nationally and internationally. It also includes a comprehensive bioethics section. Anna Krohn, the CWLA National Bioethics Convenor, hopes that the new CWLA website will help create greater awareness about contemporary bioethics issues, enable visitors to gain an insight into bioethics principles and stimulate their imagination to inspire action and response in their own lives and communities. The following section of the site, illustrates how CWLA hopes to use this powerful medium to help change hearts and minds:
More 'Changing Hearts & Minds' resources are at:
CWLA is the national peak body representing the League's seven member organisations located throughout Australia. Addressing social justice and ethical questions is one of our primary tasks. We seek to influence legislative and administrative bodies at all levels in order to preserve the dignity of the human person. We strive to be a voice for the voiceless