ASIA NEWS REPORT: by Weena Kowitwanij
Tomorrow we will celebrate World Mission. The message of Msgr. Chusak Sirisut, bishop of the diocese of Nakhon Ratchasima and chairman of the Committees on Education and the Mission of the Thai Catholic Bishops' Conference.
Bangkok (AsiaNews) - "Jesus Christ transmitted his mission of salvation to his disciples, who have spread throughout the world. All Catholics, priests and laity, must consider missionary work a priority and a constant duty, to be achieved through constantly announcing the Good News with all their abilities. "On the occasion of World Mission Sunday tomorrow, Msgr. Chusak Sirisut, bishop of the diocese of Nakhon Ratchasima and chairman of the Committees on Education and the Catholic Mission of the Episcopal Conference of Thailand, called on all Catholics to understand that everyone has to be a missionary.
"In the past - the bishop said in a message - the Catholics believed that the evangelization of Christianity in Siam (now Thailand) was the role of foreign missionary, priests and religious... The laity had nothing to do with the mission". However, in Mgr. Sirisut this is correct only in part, because " over the past two thousand years the evangelization of the Good News begins from all – both by Jesus’ disciple and Catholics wherever they are, they proclaim the Good News."
"Today - adds the bishop - the missionaries are decreasing. For this reason we must make it clear to all Catholics that everyone has a role in evangelization, just like those who founded the Church in ancient times. "
Msgr. Sirisut concludes by asking: "How can we awaken and encourage the laity to evangelize side by side with the missionaries, priests and religious? Many have the answer within them. Many can understand the importance of their mission. "
Tomorrow we will celebrate World Mission. The message of Msgr. Chusak Sirisut, bishop of the diocese of Nakhon Ratchasima and chairman of the Committees on Education and the Mission of the Thai Catholic Bishops' Conference.
"In the past - the bishop said in a message - the Catholics believed that the evangelization of Christianity in Siam (now Thailand) was the role of foreign missionary, priests and religious... The laity had nothing to do with the mission". However, in Mgr. Sirisut this is correct only in part, because " over the past two thousand years the evangelization of the Good News begins from all – both by Jesus’ disciple and Catholics wherever they are, they proclaim the Good News."
"Today - adds the bishop - the missionaries are decreasing. For this reason we must make it clear to all Catholics that everyone has a role in evangelization, just like those who founded the Church in ancient times. "
Msgr. Sirisut concludes by asking: "How can we awaken and encourage the laity to evangelize side by side with the missionaries, priests and religious? Many have the answer within them. Many can understand the importance of their mission. "