CANADIAN BISHOPS REPORT: The Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) has written to Prime Minister Stephen Harper on the government's recent decision to provide funding to the International Planned Parenthood Federation. The letter was signed by the Most Reverend Gerald Wiesner, O.M.I., in his capacity as Chairman of the COLF Board of Directors. The complete text of the letteris on the COLF website.
COLF asks Prime Minister Harper to redirectcolflogo

the $6 000 000 promised to Planned Parenthood

In a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, dated October 4, 2011, the President of the Board of the Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) expressed his consternation with the conservative government’s decision to finance the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) through a grant from CIDA.

“IPPF works aggressively to dismantle abortion laws in countries where abortion is prohibited and to have abortion recognized as a universal human “right”, says Bishop Gerald Wiesner, O.M.I. It would be naïve, therefore, to think that Canadian tax dollars will not be used by IPPF to promote abortion in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Mali, Sudan, and Tanzania... under the guise of “education”.

”COLF reminds Prime Minister Harper that “abortion destroys lives” and invites him to be attentive to the thousands of post-abortive women who are now speaking out about their suffering.

Since “IPPF does not meet the criteria” of the Muskoka Maternal/Child Health Initiative, Bishop Wiesner invites the Canadian Government to “redirect this six million dollar grant to organizations which truly respect the life and dignity of women and children, at every stage.

COLF is co-sponsored by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus. It promotes respect for human life and dignity, and the essential role of the family.

Please see below for the complete text of the letter.

For more information :
Michèle Boulva
Catholic Organization for Life and Family
(613) 241-9461, ext.141
