At 10.30 am today, in the inner courtyard of the Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo, the Holy Father Benedict XVI met with the faithful and pilgrims gathered for the General Audience on Wednesday. In his speech in Italian, the pope retraced with the present the most significant moments of his recent visit to Madrid on the occasion of the XXVI World Youth Day. Then he addressed a greeting in several languages to groups of pilgrims. (IMAGE SOURCE: RADIO VATICANA)
The audience concluded with the singing of the Pater Noster and the Apostolic Blessing.
At the end of the audience in the courtyard, the Holy Father appeared in the square outside the Palace Apostolic and also greeted the faithful gathered there.
Dear brothers and sisters,
Today I would like to go back briefly to the thought and heart to the extraordinary days in Madrid for the XXVI World Youth Day. It 'was, and you know, an ecclesial event exciting, about two million young people from all continents have experienced with joy, a tremendous experience of fellowship, meeting with the Lord, sharing and growth in faith: a real cascade of light. I thank God for this precious gift that gives hope for the future of the Church: young people with firm and sincere desire to root their lives in Christ, stand firm in faith, walk together in the Church. Thanks to all who worked generously for this day: the Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid, its auxiliaries, the other bishops of Spain and other parts of the world, the Pontifical Council for the Laity, priests, religious and laity. I renew my gratitude to the Spanish authorities, institutions and associations, volunteers and all those who have the support of prayer. I can not forget the warm welcome I received from their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain, as well as from all over the country.
In short course I can not describe the moments that we lived so intense. I think the irrepressible enthusiasm with which young people I have received on the first day in the Plaza de Cibeles, their words full of expectations, their strong desire to orient themselves to the deeper truth and to take root in it, the truth that God has given us to know Christ. In the imposing Monastery of El Escorial, rich in history, spirituality and culture, I met the young religious and young academics. At first, the young religious, I recalled the beauty of their vocation faithfully lived, and the importance of their service to their apostolic and prophetic witness. It remains for me the impression of their enthusiasm, a faith of young and full of courage for the future, a willingness to serve humanity well. I mentioned to the teachers to be experts in formation of new generations, guiding the search for truth not only with words but also with life, knowing that the Truth is Christ himself. Encounter with Christ, we find the truth. In the evening, in celebration of the Via Crucis, a multitude of diverse youth relived with intense scenes of the Passion and death of Christ: the cross of Christ gives a lot more than what is required, gives everything, because it leads us to God
The next day, the Holy Mass in the Almudena Cathedral in Madrid, with the seminarians: young people who want to make it take root in Christ have a tomorrow, as his ministers. I hope to increase vocations to the priesthood! Among those present was more than someone who had heard the call of the Lord in their previous World Youth Days and I am sure that even the Lord in Madrid has knocked on the door of the hearts of many young people to follow him generously in priestly ministry or in life religious. A visit to a center for youth with disabilities showed me great respect and love for every person who feeds me and gave me the opportunity to thank the thousands of volunteers who silently witness the Gospel of love and life. The prayer vigil in the evening and the great Eucharistic celebration of the final day were two very intense moments: the evening a crowd of young people in the party, not at all intimidated by the rain and wind, has remained silent adoration of Christ present in ' Eucharist, to praise Him, thank Him, ask for help and light, and then, on Sunday, young people have expressed their exuberance and joy of celebrating the Lord in the Word and the Eucharist, to fit more and more in Him and strengthen their faith and Christian life. In an atmosphere of enthusiasm I encountered that I thanked the volunteers for their generosity and the farewell ceremony I have left the country, bearing in our hearts these days as a great gift.
Dear friends, the Madrid meeting was a wonderful manifestation of faith for Spain and for the world first of all. For the multitude of young people from every corner of the earth, was a special occasion for reflection, dialogue, exchange positive experiences and, above all, pray together and renew their commitment to root their lives in Christ, a faithful friend. I am sure that they returned to their homes and return with a firm resolve to be leaven in the dough, bringing the hope born of faith. For my part, I continue to accompany you with prayer, so that they remain faithful to their commitments. To the maternal intercession of Mary, I entrust the fruits of this day.
And now I wish to announce the themes of the next World Youth Days. That next year, which will take place in individual dioceses, will have as its motto: "Always be joyful in the Lord!", Taken from the Letter to the Philippians (4:4), while the World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, The motto will be the mandate of Jesus: "Go and make disciples of all nations!" (Cf. Mt 28:19). Even now I entrust to the prayers of all the preparation of these very important events. Thank you.
[01202-01.01] [Original text: Italian]
Je salue de langue française cordialement les Pèlerins! Au cours de mon Voyage Apostolique à Madrid, j'ai rencontre avec joie et des centaines de milliers espérance de jeunes du monde entier venus. J'ai fait de leur enthousiasme the expérience et de leur désir de s'orienter vers la verite plus the deep, cold que Dieu nous de connaître woman dans le Christ. Tous ces jeunes Puissent fideles à leur engagement demeurer leur vie en enraciner of him! Bon à tous pèlerinage!
I warmly greet all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors here today. Having just returned from Madrid, I affectionately greet the young people present, Especially Those Who Were with me for the unforgettable celebration of World Youth Day welcome Also I Those present from Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore and the United States. May God bless all of you and Remain with you for ever!
Von Herzen Grüße und ich to deutschsprachigen Besucher Pilger. Gerne möchte ich euch lassen teilhaben an den Tiefen des Eindrücken Weltjugendtags in Madrid. Für die jungen Teilnehmer war es eine besondere Gelegenheit, innezuhalten, sich vor allem ihre Freundschaft und auszutauschen mit Jesus zu festigen. Wir wollen und für Menschen mit den jungen Beten, dass sie immer den Ruf Jesu Christi und ihm besser verstehen und treu mutig folgen. Wünsche ich auch das uns allen und der Herr Schenke uns dazu seinen Segen.
Salud with afecto a los de lengua española Peregrinos, en los grupos provenientes Particular de España, Honduras, Chile, Argentina, Mexico City y otros países Latinoamericanos. Call to give todos gracias Señor por mi apostolic visit to Madrid Mundial para la Jornada de la Juventud. A la vez que agradezco de corazón hecho posible at home who have desarrollo de esta Iniciativa El Magnifico, ruego, por intercession Santísima de María, que en los Jóvenes que han participado she, "edificados arraigados y en Christ, firmes en la fe," lleven mundo entero La Alegria to the Gospel, with a palabra y vida de obras de Caridad colmado. Muchas gracias.
Saúde de todos os Peregrinos language Portuguese, in detail os grupos vindos do Brasil de Portugal! A Jornada Mundial da Juventude em Madrid renovou nos Jovens to Chamade Serem to ferment or grow que faz ground, raising ao mundo que a esperança da fe was born. Location generosos or give um testemunho de vida christ, specially the view by Proxima Jornada em no Rio de Janeiro. Que Deus vos abençoe!
Witam pielgrzymów Polskich. Razem z Wami dziś chcę dziękować Bogu za Czas, który wraz z przeżyłem młodzieżą Calega z świata w Madrycie. Byl to the wzajemnego umocnienia szczególny Czas Laski w wierze. FOEN, ze w zaowocuje sercach młodych Ludza pragnieniem zycia zakorzenionego w Chrystusie the wypełnionego Jégo Milosc. Tego wam the życzę. Niece Bedz pochwalony Chrystus Jezus!
[I extend my welcome to Polish pilgrims. With you now I want to thank God for the time I lived together for young people around the world in Madrid. It 'been a time of grace and mutual witness of faith. I am confident that bear fruit in the hearts of the young the desire for a life rooted in Christ and filled with his love. I hope you too. Praised be Jesus Christ!]
Від щирого серця вітаю прочан з України, які саме сьогодні святкують двадцяту річницю незалежності своєї держави, історія та культура якої у незгладимий спосіб позначені християнськими цінностями. Дорогі друзі, бажаю, щоб ця важлива річниця пробудила у вас та ваших співгромадян живе прагнення завжди діяти на користь справедливості, миру та спільного добра. Слава Ісусу Христу!
[a cordial greeting to the pilgrims of Ukraine, who today resemble the twentieth anniversary of independence of their country, whose history and culture are indelibly marked by Christian values. Dear friends, I hope that this significant event will inspire in you and your countrymen in the earnest desire of always working for justice, peace and the common good. Praised be Jesus Christ!]
Radosna pozdravljam the blagoslivljam hodočasnike sve Hrvatske! Neka nas OVAJ susret učvrsti Vasu vjeru kako bist oduševljeno svjedočili kršćansku the ljubili bližnje nadu. Hvaljen the ISUS Marija!
[With joy I greet and bless all the pilgrims Croats. Our meeting will strengthen your faith so that you can enthusiastically testify to the Christian hope and love others. Praised be Jesus and Mary!]
radost zdravím poutníky S z České republiky. Draz přátelé, prosme Boha aby Světové Dny mládeže, které v if konaly Madridu, přinesly bohaté plody pro dobro vůle všechy shores. Chvála Kristu.
[I extend an affectionate greeting to the pilgrims coming from the Czech Republic Dear friends, we ask God that the recent World Youth Day held in Madrid bear abundant fruit in the hearts of all men of good will. Praised be Jesus Christ].
láskou S pozdravujem slovenských pútnikov Zohor zo, Kosice, Kútov to Nitry. Bratia to Sestry, pondelok sme v v liturgy is pripomenuli Pannu Mariu Kráľovnú. S dôverou knows obracajme na tuto Nasu láskavú Matku Našice potrebách st. Rad žehnám vasic drahých the vas. Pochválený bud Ježiš Kristus!
[I affectionately greet the pilgrims from Zohor Slovakia, Košice, Nitra and Kúty. Brothers and sisters, on Monday we remembered in the liturgy of Mary Queen. Turn with confidence to this, our good Mother in our needs. Gladly bless you and your loved ones. Praised be Jesus Christ!]
And finally, I greet with affection the Italian-speaking pilgrims, as well as pairs of newlyweds. All invited to devote more time to Christian formation, to be faithful disciples of Christ, way, truth and life.
And now let us sing the Pater Noster in Latin.
Thank you and good day to you all.
At the end of the audience in the courtyard, the Holy Father appeared in the square outside the palace and spoke the following words:
Dear friends, hello!
Have a good day, joy, happy holidays and a good return to work. The Lord be with you so that you can feel his presence and the light that comes from faith. To all my best wishes! The Lord bless you always! Now I impart my Apostolic Blessing.