The Holy Father has appointed Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Joseph Chennoth in Japan, Titular Archbishop of Milevi, Apostolic Nuncio in Tanzania so far. (IMAGE SOURCE: RADIO VATICANA)
The Holy Father Benedict XVI appointed Bishop of Les Cayes (Haiti) Chibly Rev. Langlois, now Bishop of Fort-Liberte.
Archbishop Chibly Langlois
Langlois Chibly Archbishop was born November 29, 1958 la Vallee in the Diocese of Jacmel. He completed his primary studies at the Christian Brothers of La Vallee. He completed his secondary studies at the "Petit Séminaire Collège Saint-Martial" in Port-au-Prince. In 1985 he joined the "Grand Séminaire Notre-Dame" in Port-au-Prince, where he took courses in philosophy and theology, obtaining a Bachelor in Theology. It 'was ordained priest on 22 September 1991. From 1994 to 1996 he studied in Rome at the Pontifical Lateran University where he earned a licentiate in pastoral theology, with the dissertation:The Nouvelle Evangelisation, inculturation en oeuvre d'Haiti .
After his ordination, he held the following positions: assistant of Jacmel Cathedral (1991-1994) and Director of the Diocesan Pastoral Catechetics (1993-1994). Since 1996 he has been Director of the Diocesan Pastoral and catechetical formation, at the same time, since 1999, parish priest of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in "des Orangers" in Jacmel, and professor of pastoral theology at the "Grand Séminaire Notre- Dame "of Port-au-Prince, since 2000 has been a professor at the Institute for Education and the Diocesan Human Promotion of Jacmel.
Elected Bishop of Fort-Liberté, April 8, 2004, was consecrated on June 6 next.
At 12 o'clock today, Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Father Benedict XVI on the balcony overlooking the inner courtyard of the Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo to pray the Angelus with the faithful and pilgrims present. These are the words of the Pope in introducing the Marian prayer:
Dear brothers and sisters,
In the middle of August, the Christians of East and West jointly celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of Mary into heaven. In the Catholic Church, the dogma of the Assumption - as is known - was proclaimed during the Holy Year of 1950 by my venerable Predecessor, the Servant of God Pope Pius XII. This memory, however, is rooted in the faith of the early centuries of the Church.
In the East, is still called "Dormition of the Virgin." In an ancient mosaic of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, inspired by its own icon of the East " Dormition ", depicts the Apostles who, informed by the Angels at the end of the earthly Mother of Jesus, gathered around the bed of the Virgin . At the center is Jesus who holds in her arms a little girl is Mary, she became the "small" for the Kingdom, and conducted by the Lord into Heaven.
In the Gospel of St. Luke's today's liturgy, we read that Mary "in those days got up and went with haste into the hill country, in a city of Judah" ( Luke 1.39). In those days Mary arose and hastened from Galilee to a town near Jerusalem, in order to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Today we contemplate the climb to the mountain of God and enter into the heavenly Jerusalem, "clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars" ( Rev 12.1).
The biblical account of the Apocalypse, we read in the liturgy of this feast, is about a struggle between the woman and the dragon, between good and evil. St. John seems to propose anew the very first pages of Genesis, which tell the story of darkness and drama of the sin of Adam and Eve. Our ancestors were defeated by the evil one in the fullness of time, Jesus, Adam, and Mary, New Eve, definitely win the enemy, and this is the joy of this day! With the victory of Jesus over evil, even death are the inner and physical losses. Mary was the first to pick up the Son of God , Jesus , now baby, now is the first to be with Him in glory of heaven.
It 'a great mystery that we celebrate today, is mostly a mystery of hope and joy for all of us in Mary we see the goal towards which all those who know how to tie their lives to Jesus, who know how to follow as he Mary did. This feast speaks of our future, then, tells us that we too will be with Jesus in the joy of God and invites us to have courage, to believe that the power of the Resurrection of Christ can work in us and make us men and women who every day try to live as resurrected, bringing the darkness of evil in the world, the light of the good.
[01166-01.02] [Original text: Italian]
En ce jour de la fête de l'Assomption de la Vierge Marie, je salue avec joie de langue française les Pèlerins. "Aujourd'hui la Vierge Marie, Mère de Dieu dans la gloire east élevée du ciel" . Ainsi elle nous ouvre le chemin de l'espérance. En visage are contemplating, n'hésitons pas a notre redire "oui" au Seigneur inconditionnel. A sa suite dans les jours heureux comme dans les jours difficiles, prions theMagnificat. Que la Vierge Marie veille sur l'Eglise et sur toutes les familles.
I offer a warm welcome to the English-speaking visitors for this Angelus prayer Gathered on the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady. May the example and prayers of Mary, Queen of Heaven, inspire and sustain us on our pilgrimage of faith, That We May Attain too the glory of the Resurrection and the fulfillment of our hope in her Son's promises. Upon you and your families I invoke the Lord's richest blessings!
Gern ich heiße to deutschsprachigen Besucher beim Angelusgebet Pilger und hier willkommen in Castel Gandolfo. Am heutigen Festtag die Kirche der gedenkt Aufnahme in den Himmel Mariens. Wir nicht als eine verehren Maria Persönlichkeit einer vergangenen Zeit, als die Lebendige Sondern, die in der Gegenwart Gottes ist nahe steht und uns. An der wird ihr ewige Schöpfers Plan des sichtbar, ganz den Menschen - und mit Leib Seele - und zu zu erlösen erneuern. Hoffen wir auch, Gott einst in unvergänglicher Freude zu sehen von Angesicht Angesicht zu können. Maria, die Mutter des Herrn, six Unterpfand dieser wunderbaren Zuversicht uns, wir leben in der.
Saludo with afecto a los de lengua española Peregrinos presentes en esta oración Marian. The glorious solemnidad de la Asuncion de la Virgen María, que hoy recordamos, nos abre la esperanza de vida de la Plenitud of Heaven, a la que ya has llegado Ella y en la que nos Aguarda. Loving intercession que por la de la Madre de Dios y gracias bendiciones desciendan Abundantes sobre la Iglesia y el mundo.
Queridos de Peregrinos language Portuguese: bem-vindos home! A Imaculada Virgem or Maria do Céu glory ser elevada a back-dawn and if Imagem from heaven, and Igreja de Sinal and Consolação esperança para a Igreja na pilgrim land. His maternal intercessão desçam pela que sobre Vos and vossas sobre as familias de Deus bênçãos.
Serdecznie pozdrawiam Polakow. Match the Boga Wniebowziętej Ludza zawierzam Caly Kościół w Polsce. Niece Maryja wyprasza wszystkim wierzącym the ludziom dobrej woli obfitość darów the Lask.Niece otacza opieką tych, którzy się do Niej uciekają. Przez Jej rece niece błogosławi Bog wam!
[I cordially greet the Poles. To Mary, assumed into heaven, Mother of God and man, I commend the whole Church in Poland. Mary obtain for all believers and men of good will an abundance of gifts and graces. Wrap as many of his protection to her use. Through it, God bless you!]
Lastly, I greet the Italian pilgrims. In particular I greet the young people of the Diocese of Piazza Armerina and the Universal Christ the King parish in Bitonto. I wish you all a good feast of the Assumption!Thank you. Good Day!
It is a good one.