EUROPE: SPAIN: WYD- "DAYS IN THE DIOCESE"- 130,000 YOUTH REPORT: World Youth Day hasn't started yet, but about 130,000 youths from 137 countries are already in Spain. It's a way for them to prepare for the big event. It's called “Days in the Dioceses.” Basically, 65 Spanish dioceses welcome these youths to prepare them before World Youth Day kicks off.

The plan includes cultural and historic tours, as well as time for fun and of course for prayer.
During the "Days in the Dioceses" pilgrims are offered free accommodation in schools, parishes sport centers and private homes.

The program is completely free for young people who come from countries with economic challenges.

The program began in 1997 when World Youth Day was celebrated in Paris. The experience was so positive, it was adopted in the following World Youth Days: Italy, Canada, Germany and Australia.
