JESUSCARITASEST.ORG REPORT: Prayers and services are being held globally today for the victims of the Norway bombing and shooting that took place on Friday, July 22. The attack claimed 93 lives and many injuries. King Harald V and his wife Queen Sonja attended service in the Lutheran cathedral of Oslo. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg was also in attendance. Hundreds gathered outside the cathedral in the square, covered in candles and flowers.
The Prime Minister said, that the two days since the attacks took place felt like "an eternity - hours, days, and nights filled with shock and angst and crying".
Oslo Cathedral's website has this message: "We want to focus on the Lord's receptiveness towards life and all expressions of life. We believe in the Holy in contact with the ordinary. We believe that there is a connection between The Holy and glorified God and the human pain, loneliness and distress. We believe in contrasts and in the light that shines through our cracks."(image source: samanthabf.tumblr)
(image source: deutschewelle )
LLL(image source: rfi)