The ninth meeting will be held from 19th to 24th of July. The motto for this meeting: "I can do all things with him who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13)" This meeting is for young families, young married couples and families with children up to age 13. Older children are invited to the Children's program as volunteers to help. There will be interesting lectures and workshops for adults, for example from the Holy Cross, P. Bernhard Vosicky or Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun. Also an exchange of rounds or discussions with spouses, while the children experience her own colorful, spiritual and fun program. There are family-friendly times of prayer and shared moments in the family are not forgotten, as to the meals and the long lunch break or in the evenings in the tavern, which round out the day comfortably.
Robert Schmalzbauer describes the organizing team's motivation to attend these meetings, which come in 150 families with 350 children together: "In the midst of a world that often are satisfied with superficialities and facets, we feel the desire for a true fullness of life." Over 150 volunteers provide, among other things, an appropriate program for the children together. Organizer and co-sponsors of this initiative are theCatholic family day Christian family (ICF), the Immaculata community, the Communityof the Beatitudes, the Charismatic Renewal and many other movements.
The multifaceted program is to strengthen and invigorate the whole family. Theconditions of many families is often difficult as Schmalzbauer pointed out by the ICF:"God wants to help us. In the light of His love, we can confront us with the dark andpainful pages of our lives - let it heal and transform, we may as families beauty and joy that God gives us testify! "
The multifaceted program is to strengthen and invigorate the whole family. Theconditions of many families is often difficult as Schmalzbauer pointed out by the ICF:"God wants to help us. In the light of His love, we can confront us with the dark andpainful pages of our lives - let it heal and transform, we may as families beauty and joy that God gives us testify! "
Information on the meeting can be found on It is also possible to get a taste and as Pilgrimage to the family on 23 July to attend the Pöllauberg.