Sydney Archdiocese report-
29 Jul 2011
Aussie pilgrims get together before leaving for WYD Madrid
Around Australia thousands of young people are packing their bags for the experience of a lifetime.
Next week they are heading off on various pilgrimages with Archbishops, Bishops, priests and seminarians from every diocese. Some are heading to Italy and France or Spain.
The Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell will lead a group through Egypt and the Holy Land on the "Exodus Encounter" but all will meet up in Madrid for World Youth Day 21011 which starts on 16 August.
Pope Benedict XV1 will meet youth from around the world in what has become the biggest gathering of young people at any one time. Up to two million people are expected in Madrid for the highlight of the week, the Papal Closing Mass.
Nearly four thousand young and not-so-young people from Australia will gather in the Spanish city. Hundreds will be attending from Catholic schools in the Sydney Archdiocese.
Apart from the "Big Events" like the Papal Arrival, Stations of the Cross, the Vigil and the Closing Mass, there will be special times for prayer and reflection with catecheses sessions and times for fun with youth festivals.
However one of the biggest moments for the Aussie pilgrims will be the Australian Gathering on the Tuesday 16 August from 12noon to 2pm at the Palacio de Deportes. The entire Australian contingent will get together for prayer and performances. There will be testimonies and music. Organised by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference it will be a great start to the week.
The Archdiocese of Sydney social network is covering WYD including LIVE webcasts of the key events. However starting next week will also be following the pilgrims through Egypt and the Holy Land with our "Harvest Video Blog". You will be able to follow the pilgrimage every day as they visit the historical and holy sites with special messages and comments.
For all you need to know on the "Exodus Encounter" and WYD Madrid Visit