JESUSCARITASEST.ORG REPORT: Prince William and his Wife Catherine attended a Church service on Sunday while on tour in Canada. They were traveling aboard the HMCS in Quebec. They joined 300 sailors for an interdenominational prayer service. At the service prayers were said for Queen Elizabeth of England. The Right Rev. Dennis Drainville presided at the religious service. He said, that the royal couple's presence was significant. (Image source: Google/CBC)
England currently still holds the Act of Succession from 1701, which bans Catholics from succeeding to the British Throne. In 2008, Autumn Kelly, the Canadian fiancee of the Queen's grandson Peter Philips, converted from Catholicism to Anglicanism, thus preserving her husband's chances of becoming king. Recently, this law has come under greater criticism for its bias towards Catholics. U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron has said that “in principle” he supports reforming the law on royal succession to allow Catholics to become king or queen or marrying the heir to the throne. However, he also says the decision would have to be approved by all Commonwealth countries – hence the significance of Cardinal Pell’s opinion.