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CATH NEWS REPORT: A Dominican religious sister will receive a National Aboriginal Islander Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) award for her services to the Aboriginal and Catholic community, said a report from the Advertiser on AdelaideNow.
The awards are part of a ceremony this Sunday to raise public awareness of indigenous culture and issues, particularly for the 2000 indigenous Catholics and their families in South Australia.Sister Doreen Hynes, 77, has always sought justice for others, and equality in education, the report said. One of her most rewarding activities is providing private English and maths tutoring to Year 5-11 indigenous students.
Sister Hynes, a member of the Cabra congregation, said she was humbled about receiving the award and that her passion for teaching Aboriginal children stemmed from an early interest in justice and peace.
"I want real justice for everyone. Some good has happened, but some (indigenous people) have had a very hard road."