Greeting English speaking pilgrims after the midday recitation of the Regina Caeli prayer, the Pope called attention to the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation, organized by the World Council of Churches, which is currently underway in Kingston, Jamaica:
“The Convocation is the culmination of a decade-long programme aimed at combating all forms of violence. Let us join in prayer for this noble intention, and recommit ourselves to eliminating violence in families, in society and in the international community”.
Before the Regina Caeli, commenting on today's Gospel, Benedict XVI reflected on the "dual commandment" it proposes to us; that we believe in God and believe in Jesus. Speaking in Italian he said: "Faith in Jesus means following him every day, in simple actions that make up our daily lives", because "only by believing in Christ, abiding in Him, can his disciples, which include us too, continue his permanent action in history. "
Pope Benedict continued “the New Testament put an end to the invisibility of the Father…the Son of God, by his incarnation, death and resurrection, has freed us from the slavery of sin to give us the freedom of the children of God and made known to us the face of God who is love: we can see God, He is visible in Christ ".
He concluded “Dear friends, in the joy of this Easter season, may we be strengthened by the Risen Lord to follow him faithfully and to share in his life. Upon you and your families I invoke God’s abundant blessings”.