by: Miriam Westen- JESUSCARITASEST.ORG report: As many Catholic celebrities are making headlines for their extra-marital affairs, it becomes evident that prayers for these individuals are necessary. Power, wealth, prestige, fame are not indicators of sanctity. In fact, many Saints have fled the dangers of such lifestyles to live in seclusion and penance. It is important for these individuals to repent publicly and perform acts of penance. However, it is also important for their fellow Christians to pray for their conversion. We are all sinners and therefore, should pray for these celebrities and their families. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ. St. Francis once said, "There but for the grace of God go I".
Martin Sheen (pictured above) has publicly asked for prayers for his son Charlie. “We lift him up and we ask everyone who cares about him to lift him up and lift up all of those who are in the grip of drug and alcohol abuse,” Martin continued. “Because they too are looking for transcendence.” (AccessHollywood)

The recent split of Schwartzenegger and his wife Maria Schriver (pictured above) is evidence of the need for greater prayer in families. It has become clear that a lifestyle of fame, fortune and prestige does not ensure a sound marriage or spiritual life. Movie stars are not Angels and are subject to many temptations. Mel Gibson's (pictured below) troubles with his second wife are constantly commanding media attention. It is important for Christians to pray for Mr. Gibson and his family. Here again we find individuals entrenched in an environment of greed, indecency, and jealously.
How can man avoid such evils? Through greater prayer and penance. It is important to remember the example of St. Mary Magdelene who publicly repented of her many sins. She became a great Saint in the Church. These men have performed good deeds for society and therefore are in need of our prayers more than gossip. It is hoped that these incidents do not overshadow the good they have done. Kyrie Eleison+
Image sources: comradeumukoro blogspot (schwartzenegger) (Gibson)
zainad.blogspot (Sheen Family)