In the past few weeks, attempts in various Syrian cities to imitate the ‘Jasmine Revolution’ in Tunisia and Egypt have been suppressed violently. The centre of resistance is Deraa, a town in southern Syria.
Protests have occurred today in various Syrian cities following Friday prayers despite some changes made by President Assad liking forcing his cabinet to resign and sacking two governors.
Despite promising changes, he has not repeal emergency rule in place since 1963.
In addition to Deraa, demonstrations were held in Qamishli, Deir e-Zor, Banias, and Dummar, a Damascus suburb.
According to eyewitnesses, police in Deraa fired on crowds, killing and wounding several people.
Perhaps fearing further disorder, Assad today issued a decree granting Syrian citizenship to about 200,000 Kurds living in the eastern part of the country.
Until now they were considered as foreigners.