Christina-Taylor Greene (9 years old), Gabe Zimmerman (30 years), Dorothy Morris (76 years old), Dorwin Stoddard (76 years old), Phyllis Sheck (79 years old). They were attending a public meeting for congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Miss Giffords (40 years old) was shot through the brain and is in critical condition in hospital.
It was noted by CNN that Judge Roll was returning from Mass, the

Church service he attended before greeting Miss Giffords. He leaves behind his wife, 3 children and 5 grand-children.
The youngest victim, Christina Greene was only 9 years old. She had just been elected by her elementar
y school for the school council. She wanted to learn about the political system. Her mother told MSNBC that she was a beautiful, courageous girl involved in Church, sports and many activities.
Already, a candle-light vigil was held at the scene.

President Barak Obama has called for prayers in a statement: “What Americans do at times of tragedy is to come together and support each other. So at this time I ask all Americans to join me and Michelle in keeping all the victims and their families, including Gabby, in our thoughts and prayers. Those who have been injured, we are rooting for them.”
Obama quote source: WhiteHouse.gov IMAGES: Telegraph.co.uk (Christina & prayer vigil) ivarfjeld.wordpress.com source Obama image