INTERNATIONAL: SPANISH WORLD CUP SOCCER TEAM OFFERS CUP TO OUR LADY FULFILLING PROMISE August 13, 2010 Angel Maria Villar +2 Miraculous Medal Our Lady of Guadelupe World Cup Soccer Angel Maria Villar Miraculous Medal Our Lady of Guadelupe World Cup Soccer
AMERICA: USA: WASHINGTON BASILICA HOSTS SACRED MUSIC CONCERT August 13, 2010 +1 Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Foundation for Sacred Arts International Sacred Music Competition for Composers Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Foundation for Sacred Arts International Sacred Music Competition for Composers
ASIA: PAKISTAN DEACON SHOT/2 PRIESTS BEATEN TRYING TO STOP WATERS August 13, 2010 Deacon Naveed Arif +1 Father Pascal Paulus Holy Rosary Church Deacon Naveed Arif Father Pascal Paulus Holy Rosary Church
AFRICAN: UGANDA OVER 700 PEOPLE ABDUCTED FOR ARMY August 13, 2010 +0 Lord’s Resistance Army Lord’s Resistance Army