RADIO VATICANA REPORT: Looking out on a St Peter’s Square where construction has already begun on this years nativity scene, Pope Benedict, before reciting the Angelus, took the opportunity to discuss the current economic crisis.On this Sunday of Thanksgiving in Italy, the Pope said, this current crisis recently discussed by the G20 leaders was but another aspect of serious problems such as "the continuing imbalance between wealth and poverty, the scandal of hunger, environmental emergencies now also widespread, and the problem of unemployment". The Pope added, that at times the process of industrialization has overshadowing the agricultural sector, and called for a reassessment of this valuable sector, not in a nostalgic sense, he said, but “as an indispensable resource for the future".Continuing on this theme the Holy Father stressed that a “concerted effort must be made to pursue a new balance between agriculture, industry and services, so that development is sustainable”.Key to this he said was “the nurturing and spreading of a clear ethical awareness, capable of meeting the most complex challenges of our time,.”After reciting the Angelus prayer Pope Benedict made a call for peace in Iraq and appealed to the international community to "generously support" the people of Haiti, who he said, "because of the terrible earthquake in January, are now suffering for a serious outbreak of cholera. "The Pope concluded by saying that next Saturday the 27 November in St Peter's Basilica, he would preside at Vespers for the first Sunday of Advent and a prayer vigil for the unborn. The Holy Father added that this initiative is shared with particular Churches throughout the world and he recommended it be also held in parishes, religious communities, associations and movements. Finally, the Pope said, the period of preparation for Christmas is a good time to invoke divine protection upon every human being called into existence, and also as a thanksgiving to God for the gift of life received from our parents. "