Ind. Cath News report- "Openness does not imply weakness, nor a tolerance which ignores truth and justice. Being open does not mean adhering to others' ideologies. It means being truly sympathetic and welcoming to people, listening to them, and in particular to people who are weak or poor or oppressed, so as to live in communion with them." Jean Vanier, Our Journey Home, p145Jean Vanier will be speaking to young people on the subject 'To be human is to be vulnerable.' The talk, at 7.30pm on Wednesday, 24 November, takes place at the Residence of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Vauxhall, SW8 1QH.Jean Vanier is the founder of the international movement of L'Arche Communities, where people who have developmental disabilities and the friends who assist them create homes and share life together. He is internationally recognised for his compelling vision of what it means to live a fully human life and for his social and spiritual leadership in building a compassionate society.This event is hosted by the Young Friends of Westminster Cathedral by kind arrangement with the community of the Little Sisters of the Poor. Spaces are limited and attendees are asked kindly to arrive by 7.15pm. Contact gmtkay@yahoo.co.uk or christinelong@christinelong.name for any further information.