CATH NEWS REPORT; A delegation from the Edmund Rice Centre and the Pacific Calling Partnership is attending a major climate change meeting hosted by the low-lying Kiribati island, reports The Catholic Leader.
The High-Level Ministerial Conference on Climate Change began on Thursday and continues until Tuesday.
ERC director Phil Glendenning and ERC Eco-Justice Program co-ordinator Jill Finnane are attending as observers. It follows a visit in September by a 10-member ERC/PCP delegation to Kirabati led by one of Australia's most senior indigenous leaders Patrick Dodson.
Ms Finnane said it was "indeed an honour" to be invited to this week's ministerial conference.
The high-profile list of invitees includes the World Bank, UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) secretariat, the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations), Greenpeace and the Pacific Conference of Churches.
Ms Finnane said the ERC/PCP September delegation to Kiribati had witnessed first hand the impact of rising sea levels on the low-lying island.
"We witnessed many examples of shore erosion and helped plant 4000 mangrove (trees)," Ms Finnane said. The delegation heard stories of resilience in the face of increasing storm surges and longer droughts.
"We received a glimpse into the challenges inherent in the adaptation initiatives and heard people's fears and hopes for what the future holds for their children."
The High-Level Ministerial Conference on Climate Change began on Thursday and continues until Tuesday.
ERC director Phil Glendenning and ERC Eco-Justice Program co-ordinator Jill Finnane are attending as observers. It follows a visit in September by a 10-member ERC/PCP delegation to Kirabati led by one of Australia's most senior indigenous leaders Patrick Dodson.
Ms Finnane said it was "indeed an honour" to be invited to this week's ministerial conference.
The high-profile list of invitees includes the World Bank, UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) secretariat, the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations), Greenpeace and the Pacific Conference of Churches.
Ms Finnane said the ERC/PCP September delegation to Kiribati had witnessed first hand the impact of rising sea levels on the low-lying island.
"We witnessed many examples of shore erosion and helped plant 4000 mangrove (trees)," Ms Finnane said. The delegation heard stories of resilience in the face of increasing storm surges and longer droughts.
"We received a glimpse into the challenges inherent in the adaptation initiatives and heard people's fears and hopes for what the future holds for their children."