ARCHBISHOP MAMBERTI ADDRESSES U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY VATICAN CITY, 1 OCT 2010 (VIS REPORT) - On 29 September Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, Holy See secretary for Relations with States, addressed the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York. In his speech he noted how the U.N. "has become an indispensable element in the life of peoples, and in the search for a better future for all the inhabitants of the earth. For this reason it has been the object of great attention on the part of the Holy See and the Catholic Church, as evinced by the visits of Popes Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI". The archbishop then reviewed a number of events which he described as "important for peace and security in the world" and which have taken place since the last sitting of the U.N. General Assembly. Among these he mentioned the coming into effect of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Cluster Munitions, the positive outcome of the eighth Review Conference on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and the meeting of a preparatory committee for the Arms Trade Conference which, he said, "will establish the strictest possible juridical norms on the transfer of conventional weapons". He also mentioned the signing of the New Start Treaty between the U.S.A. and the Russian Federation, concerning a further reduction and limitation on strategic arsenals. The secretary for Relations with States then went on to praise the U.N. peacekeeping missions, indicating that the Commission for the Consolidation of Peace continues "to be fundamental in repairing social, juridical and economic fabrics destroyed by war, and in avoiding the repetition of conflicts". Among the serious events of the last twelve months, Archbishop Mamberti mentioned floods in Pakistan, the consequences of which "have been rendered more serious by the conflicts afflicting the region", in which context he called for "efforts towards understanding and study into the cause of the hostilities". The prelate also underlined how dialogue, "together with the generosity of being able to renounce short-term circumstantial interests, is the path to follow for a lasting solution to the conflict between the State of Israel and Palestine". Such dialogue and understanding among the parties involved is likewise the only way to resolve controversies on the Korean Peninsula and in the Persian Gulf, to bring reconciliation to Iraq and Myanmar, to resolve "ethnic and cultural difficulties in Central Asia and the Caucasus, and to calm recurring tensions in Africa". "At the root of most conflicts lies an important economic element", he said. "Significant improvement in the living conditions of the Palestinian peoples, and of those of other people who live in situations of civil or regional conflict, will without doubt make an essential contribution to ensuring that violent opposition turns into peaceful and patient dialogue". On the subject of the Millennium Development Goals, the archbishop remarked on the importance of "bearing the great moral imperatives in mind: ... fulfilment of the promises of aid for development given by rich nations to weaker nations, and a guarantee of a more favourable financial and commercial climate". At a global level, the secretary for Relations with States identified the need "for more decisive and effective concern for refugees, displaced persons and the great migratory flows". In order for there to be integral human development there must also be a guarantee "of the exercise of religious freedom, ... the cornerstone of the entire edifice of human rights", he said Finally Archbishop Mamberti referred to the challenges posed by the environment and climate change, calling for a political decision to be made during the next session of the conference of Member States "to ensure negotiations reach a concrete outcome through a binding juridical agreement". In this context he indicated how we must "not only develop models based on a new system of energy", but also "modify heedless and irresponsible patterns of consumption ... which are the principal cause of the depletion of natural resources".DELSS/ VIS 20101001 (660)
COUNSELLORS OF PONTIFICAL DELEGATE FOR LEGION OF CHRIST VATICAN CITY, 1 OCT 2010 (VIS) - Archbishop Velasio de Paolis C.S., pontifical delegate for the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ, has announced the names of the four counsellors who will assist him in the task entrusted to him by Benedict XVI, according to information from Vatican Radio. The counsellors are Fr. Agostino Montan C.S.I., episcopal vicar for religious life in the diocese of Rome; Msgr. Mario Marchesi, vicar general of the diocese of Cremona, Italy; Fr. Gianfranco Ghirlanda S.J., former rector of Rome's Pontifical Gregorian University, and Bishop Brian Farrell of the Legion of Christ, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Furthermore, Archbishop Ricardo Blazquez of Valladolid, Spain, has been appointed as visitator for "Regnum Christi"..../ VIS 20101001 (130)
AUDIENCES VATICAN CITY, 1 OCT 2010 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences seven prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, on their "ad limina" visit: - Archbishop Luiz Soares Vieira of Manaus, accompanied by Auxiliary Bishops Mario Pasqualotto P.I.M.E. and Mario Antonio Da Silva. - Bishop Evangelista Alcimar Caldas Magalhaes O.F.M. Cap. of Alto Solimoes. - Bishop Giuliano Frigeni P.I.M.E. of Parintins. - Bishop Roque Paloschi of Roraima. - Bishop Edson Taschetto Damian of Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira.AL/ VIS 20101001 (90)
OTHER PONTIFICAL ACTS VATICAN CITY, 1 OCT 2010 (VIS) - The Holy Father accepted: - The resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Shrewsbury, England, presented by Bishop Brian M. Noble, upon having reached the age limit. He is succeeded by Coadjutor Bishop Mark Davies. - The resignation from the pastoral care of the apostolic vicariate of Phnom-Penh, Cambodia, presented by Bishop Emile Destombes M.E.P., upon having reached the age limit. He is succeeded by Coadjutor Bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler M.E.P