IND. CATH NEWS REPORT: A major new film on the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 has been been released in this Marian month. The Catholic Truth Society has been chosen to act as distributor for the film: The 13th Day – A Story of Hope. As well as DVDs for home viewing, CTS is supplying screening packs for parishes and secondary schools.This new award-winning feature film dramatically portrays the supernatural events at Fatima in Portugal in 1917. When the world was immersed in a time of war and revolution, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three humble shepherd children, and delivered a powerful call to prayer and conversion.The final miracle of the sun was witnessed by tens of thousands including sceptics.The 13th Day team has used state-of-the-art digital effects not just to bring to life the miracles but also the human drama and emotions of all those involved. Special mention must also be given to the three child actors who take the lead in this moving and faith-filled work of art.The Screening Pack for showing the film in parishes and schools and other organisations includes a licence for publicly showing the film, plus promotional posters and postcards, and helpful notes to assist those organising screenings.. As well as DVDs for home viewing, CTS is supplying screening packs for parishes and secondary schools.Archbishop Vincent Nichols has described the film as: “A remarkable re-telling of the story of Fatima”.For more information and to see a trailer visit: www.cts-online.org.uk/news/