CNA REPORT - Mexican actor Eduardo Verastegui, known for his passionate defense of the unborn, will star in a new film on the life of Blessed Anacleto Gonzalez Flores, a Catholic who was martyred in Mexico.
The film, titled, “Cristiada,” is being directed by Dean Wright, the special effects producer for such films as “The Lord of the Rings,” “The Chronicles of Narnia,” and “Titanic.”
“Cristiada” is being filmed in Durango, San Luis Potosi and Mexico City, and also stars Andy Garcia, Eva Longoria and Peter O’Toole.
In an interview with Univision, Verastegui remarked that he is thrilled about the new role. “It is a film with a great message of faith, love, hope, loyalty and courage, about the religious persecution in Mexico under President Plutarco Elias Calles, whose war against the Church left more than 200,000 dead,” the actor explained.
“I play a Catholic lawyer, Blessed Anacleto Gonzalez Flores, called the ‘Mexican Ghandi,’ because he was a heroic pacifist who only wanted to defend his Catholic faith without violence.”
Through his pacifist strategies, Verastegui continued, Blessed Gonzalez Flores was able to lead “the resistance to the government and defend freedom of religion.”
“I was invited to give life to ‘Anacleto,’ and the truth is that this character is giving me life, as he was a great hero and a Mexican martyr who died to defend his faith. He was beaten, martyred and shot for defending his beliefs.
“The most beautiful thing is that he died forgiving his executors,” he added.
Verastegui said he is thrilled “because I am finally working on a mission that is greater than myself. It is very clear to me that my vocation is to participate in productions that recount stories that are inspiring to people, that bring a message of hope, faith, love and happiness. That’s what we did with ‘Bella,’ with ‘The Butterfly Circus,’ and what we are doing with ‘Cristiada’.”
A preview of the film can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utnRveBLjx0