SPECIAL TO JCE NEWS: Masses for Life Project
Dear Friends of Life,
I invite you to join the Masses for Life Project which I, as a lay person have started this year.I hope to involve many people in this prayer movement for the protection of human life—especially that of unborn children. Every day they are being killed by abortion, and they have noright to life under Canadian Law.
I will be accepting donations towardsstipends for Masses (the stipend for one announced Mass is twenty dollars.) The suggesteddonation is five dollars, although any amount is appreciated. The requested Masses for Pro-Lifeintentions will be celebrated mostly at St. Margaret’s.
Each Mass will be announced in the bulletin when possible and all who have made donationswill be encouraged to participate in the Mass, our most powerful prayer.
You may mail or deliver your May donation to me at any time throughout this month. Anyremaining money will be used towards the pamphlets distributed by Pro-Life counselors oppositethe 960 Lawrence Ave. W. abortuary in their outreach to the women who come there.
Please pray that this initiative for Life will bear great fruit. Thank you for your assistance withthe Masses for Life Project.
Clare KavanaghMasses for Life Project Director
8 Quilter Rd. North York, ON M2N 6H1416 225 2091 / cvkavangh@sympatico.ca
Dear Friends of Life,
I invite you to join the Masses for Life Project which I, as a lay person have started this year.I hope to involve many people in this prayer movement for the protection of human life—especially that of unborn children. Every day they are being killed by abortion, and they have noright to life under Canadian Law.
I will be accepting donations towardsstipends for Masses (the stipend for one announced Mass is twenty dollars.) The suggesteddonation is five dollars, although any amount is appreciated. The requested Masses for Pro-Lifeintentions will be celebrated mostly at St. Margaret’s.
Each Mass will be announced in the bulletin when possible and all who have made donationswill be encouraged to participate in the Mass, our most powerful prayer.
You may mail or deliver your May donation to me at any time throughout this month. Anyremaining money will be used towards the pamphlets distributed by Pro-Life counselors oppositethe 960 Lawrence Ave. W. abortuary in their outreach to the women who come there.
Please pray that this initiative for Life will bear great fruit. Thank you for your assistance withthe Masses for Life Project.
Clare KavanaghMasses for Life Project Director
8 Quilter Rd. North York, ON M2N 6H1416 225 2091 / cvkavangh@sympatico.ca