Cath News report: The Jesus the Christ eConference which starts tomorrow has attracted more that 417 official participant websites, each streaming the conference for up to 200 people.
Aywhere between 10-200 people will be following the conference on 331 websites across Australia, and 86 international locations representing 26 countries, said the organisers.
Participants will be drawn from schools, parishes, hospitals, prisons, private groups, universities, religious orders and Church agencies.
This is the fourth such conference to be hosted by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and The Broken Bay Institute,
Keynote presenter and renowned scholar Prof Gerald O'Collins sj (Jesuit theologian and author) will be joined by: Dr Rev Merrill Kitchen OA (Principal, Churches of Christ Theological College); Ms Philomena Billington (Director of Education Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst); and Dr Claire Renkin PhD (lecturer Art History and Spirituality Yarra Theological Union - Melbourne College of Divinity).
Participants are being encouraged to view the live eConference in groups to allow for greater discussion. Support questions and background reading materials are available through the website, and all Sessions will be archived on the Site to allow for repeat visits and tailoring the experience to suit individuals' needs.
"We really encourage people to come together in groups because it is a faith sharing opportunity," said Conference organiser, Virginia Ryan. "The eConference environment truly brings the richness and traditions of our faith into the context of the modern world."