Cath News report: Risen, a baby born in detention to refugee parents, was baptised this month in Sydney's St Canice's parish by the Director of Jesuit Refugee Service.
"Risen has been invited to be a part of this community of faith to which he now belongs," said Fr Sacha Bermudez-Goldman SJ. The baby's name marks the fact that he was born just after Easter Sunday this year, reports Province Express.
Risen's Sri Lankan parents were granted permanent residency after a year spent in detention on both Christmas Island and in Villawood Immigration Residential Housing in Sydney, the report said.
And as guests crowded into the JRS offices to enjoy lunch and a baptism cake, Fr Bermudez-Goldman thanked them for being a part of the small family's journey in their new homeland. Risen's godparents, Matilda and Tarcisius Matthias, were grateful for the opportunity to play such an important role in the baby's life."I consider it as a gift from God. It's an honour," said Tarcisius, who volunteers with St Vincent de Paul and works with migrant and refugee groups. "You can help people with zero dollars. You just need to give your time."His wife compared their own journey from Sri Lanka 27 years ago to the perilous boat trip undertaken by Risen's parents last year."We came on a plane, Tarcisius' uncle fetched us at the airport," said Matilda. "But these people came on a boat. You have to really suffer to take that kind of risk."